Friday, October 29, 2010

Men Wearing Women's Underwear Vids

Germersheim the blue hour, Front Lamotte and white castle gate

of the Germersheim fortress I had already written in May of this year . Recently I went back to shooting in grave military fronts between Lamotte and white castle gate, which formerly was called Double Goal times.
have time I photographed the blue hour, that is the time just after sunset. To our eyes seems to be already night, but the camera can still see a beautiful blue sky. The whole thing lasts just about half an hour, then the sky is deep black in the photo.

Here is a photo of the fronts of Kaponniere Lamotte

and the white gate of the Burger ditch. The bridge over the grave military was in earlier times formed as a drawbridge

the redoubt is beyond the trench

here still part of the Kapponiere Fronte Lamotte

Men Wearing Women's Underwear Vids

Germersheim the blue hour, Front Lamotte and white castle gate

of the Germersheim fortress I had already written in May of this year . Recently I went back to shooting in grave military fronts between Lamotte and white castle gate, which formerly was called Double Goal times.
have time I photographed the blue hour, that is the time just after sunset. To our eyes seems to be already night, but the camera can still see a beautiful blue sky. The whole thing lasts just about half an hour, then the sky is deep black in the photo.

Here is a photo of the fronts of Kaponniere Lamotte

and the white gate of the Burger ditch. The bridge over the grave military was in earlier times formed as a drawbridge

the redoubt is beyond the trench

here still part of the Kapponiere Fronte Lamotte

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Labatory Eight Population Genetics And Evolution

modes of action of female hegemony and anti-feminists

René Kuhn und seine Anhänger haben es nicht einfach. Zuerst lehnte der Wirt vom Restaurant "Die Waid" es ab, die Antifeministen zu bewirten. Dann verweigerte die Züricher Kantonalbank den Antifeministen auch noch eine Kontoeröffnung. In beiden Fällen wurde jedoch schnell Ersatz gefunden. Ein mit den Antifeministen sympathisierender Wirt bot sogleich Ersatz in seiner noblen Palmengartenresidenz. In der Hütte des Einen mochte man sie nicht dulden, dann nahmen sie eben den Palast eines anderen. Und auch ein Konto haben sie bekommen, nun eben bei der Post. In der Zwischenzeit haben Linksextremisten es durch Einschüchterung und Aufrufen zur Gewalt geschafft, dass die Antifeministen auch aus ihrem Palmengarten vertrieben wurden and once again have to find a new venue. The meeting will now take place at a secret location under a large security effort. But it will take place .

that it had to come to this kind happening was predictable. The origin lies in the subjective meaning of the word "feminism" and derived from it understanding of what "anti-feminism" then probably has to be. Many people have a pretty one-dimensional, so almost childishly naive idea of \u200b\u200bwhat feminism is. Feminism is for women and their rights are and who is against feminism, should naturally also against women. At least that is the conclusion The results from this simple, crude definition.

poodle and mother of sons

Amusingly, it will be noted that most (male) contemporaries who defend feminism in this form and demonize any counter-movement with the same energy, maintain they mostly rather old-fashioned and archaic roles . The women-friendly and, as most anti-male laws are made by politicians who could not leave during their career, always faithful to them serving housewife. A rather quaint specimen of this variety, though not a politician, is Johannes Kerner. This harassing Eva Hermann, because she demanded in her book "The Eva Principle" a partial return to the old image of women. Thereof may each keep what he wants, but Eva Hermann was in the brown grubby corner found they had reproduced a quote from her distorted by Kerner and she was thrown out during the current program. The question of why he even live at home just that traditional role, which he accuses her book about Eva Herman, he fought harshly with the fact that this was a private matter.

Maskulisten have given this particular type of man, the term "purple poodle" because such men appear on the outside as if they trained like little lap dog verhielten. Und in der Tat basiert vieles auf dem Belohnungs- und Bestrafungsprinzip, wie man es von der Tierdressur oder von der Erziehung kleiner Kinder kennt. Die erste Frau in einem Männerleben ist die eigene Mutter, auf sie folgen dann Erzieherinnen und Lehrerinnen. Männer werden von Frauen gemacht. Ganz besonders gilt dies heute, da immer mehr Kinder gänzlich ohne Vater aufwachsen. Eine Mutter liebt ihren Sohn, ganz gleich wie unartig er sein mag. Nichtsdestotrotz macht er natürlich die Erfahrung, dass er das Wohlwollen seiner Mutter durch Wohlverhalten erlangt.

Von dieser Prägung können viele Männer sich Zeit ihres Lebens nur schwer lösen. In weiblicher Gesellschaft neigen sie unwillkürlich to the good will of the opposite sex to buy in the same way as they did already with her mother. Other hand, runs across a man, he is not only women but all the more passionate of the other men referenced in his place. The latter behave here as the little angry boy in the schoolyard defending his mom against the Schlechtrederei of his classmates. Satisfaction received this protector men first, by the favor of women, and secondly by the degradation of their querulous gender. Contradicts or opposes, a man of feeling and feminine interpretation of sovereignty, which is an unconscious rebellion against his own mother the same. Die Folge ist eine subtile Induktion mit Schuldgefühlen. Frauen scheinen diesen Mechanismus intuitiv auszunutzen und Männer scheinen sich diesem Einfluss auf mysteriöse Weise nicht entziehen zu können.

Der Mehrwertigkeitskomplex - zwischen Unterwerfung und Narzissmus

Was auf den ersten Blick den Eindruck von Unterwürfigkeit erweckt, trägt bei nicht wenigen Männern ebenso eine narzisstische Komponente. Der Pudel setzt sich als Beschützermann in Szene, als edler Tarzan, der all seine noch edleren Janes unter seinen Schutz stellt. Gleichsam dominiert er damit die anderen schlechten Buben. Frauen waren schon seit je her ein beliebtes Mittel, um  to manipulate men through their duty and honor. A well-wise, I called this unknown contemporary mood aptly as "more complex value," a contradictory mix of feelings of inferiority towards women on the one hand and a distinct swagger dominance over other men on the other. As if to pray such men to women, while at the same time they look down on them. They do this while in a benevolent way, as one looks down to a daughter, but here they incapacitate women, while they themselves exaggerate. The true reactionaries and "patriarch" is so often precisely those that demon on the feminist passionate worship. The fact that feminists reward and encourage such behavior seems paradoxical. It is, however, the fact that modern feminists can never be interested in the elimination of those conditions that they condemn themselves constantly. For contrary to throw more blame women for men, the more they see has them make the right women yet. The eternal guilt and atonement carousel effect on men as a catalyst and thus appears to be extremely useful.

The man is conditioned to function. Does not he, he is punished, expelled from the community and particularly on the favor of women. Die Angst zu versagen, nicht akzeptiert und nicht anerkannt zu werden, sitzt bei Männern daher tief und ist elementarer Bestandteil ihrer Identität. Diese Angst ist aber nicht von abstrakter Natur sondern in der Tat berechtigt. Und sie lässt sich auch nicht mit ein paar Männerstuhlkreisen wegtherapieren. Ein Beispiel liefert die Jungen- und Männerarbeit in Deutschland. Mehr als zwei Drittel aller erwachsenen Gewaltopfer sind Männer, gleichfalls sind 70 Prozent aller Opfer unter Kindern und Jugendlichen Jungen. Dennoch sind Angebote für männliche Opfer rar. Allenfalls Täterberatungsstellen scheint es in ausreichender Menge zu geben. In der Tat wird z.B. Opferarbeit mit Jungen gerne als Präventionsarbeit verstanden, insbesondere gilt so when it comes to sexually abused boys goes. Thus, the reasoning should, be taken into account the fact that victims are more likely to later become young offenders. The real reason is that boys' and men's work must always work with perpetrators, if accepted, will be supported and encouraged. For everything else there's simply not collect any money.

First of most boys and men do not become perpetrators later, it only affects a minority among them. Fact that this minority will be higher than the opposite sex is the case. It does, however, the question of whether this is not Ursache und Wirkung miteinander verwechselt werden. Wenn in Not geratene Jungen oder Männer keine Unterstützung erhalten, wenn sie nicht als Opfer, sondern nur als potentielle Täter wahrgenommen werden, wenn ihnen jenes uneingeschränkte Mitgefühl vorenthalten wird, welches für Mädchen und Frauen selbstverständlich ist, wenn man sich nicht für sie selbst, sondern nur für den Schaden interessiert, den sie vielleicht, möglicherweise, wer weiß, irgendwann einmal in der Zukunft an anderen Menschen, womöglich gar an Mädchen oder Frauen anrichten könnten - muss es dann wirklich verwundern, dass sie als Opfer auch häufiger zu Tätern werden?

Fast It seems like there were boys and men no more than material, which - once it is damaged - are immediately repaired, so that their users are not hurt by their use. Finally damaged material is discarded and disposed of in the social scrap heaps. Violence, crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, these are all male domains, and products that very use attitude that men met with. Is

No help for men

The traditional stereotype that men are in Compared with women less able to accept help, is to part right and partly wrong cave. Men are in fact rare, and late on the idea to seek help, but this out from experience, that no such help for her there. The appeal to the men kindly to work on themselves and their traditional ideals of masculinity affects other almost cynical. In this way, men, and she immediately articulate their problems and needs, referred back cool and boldly on their own.

The second periodic safety review of the government, among other deals with the fight against domestic violence. For the first time it is also mention of the fact, that in roughly equal proportions of men and women posed, and not as bright field identify the numbers of criminal statistics, a man's domain. Furthermore, we learn from this report that female victims of violence are proactively contacted by the counseling centers, after police gave the data of the victims without their consent to the counseling centers. Apart from the fact that there is no support for male victims in this form, this example clearly shows, is approached with with which granted and at what cost assistance to women. Women need to seek help often do not even get them easily. A "comfort", entirely on the men are excluded.

The men fear that does not rightly before the failure, and from this also explains why men can even be used by them for things that hurt them clearly and why they constraints imposed often not only as natural but also as a pleasant feel. Men prefer strict hierarchies and structures, because these - thought very cross - are nothing more than an eternally revolving reward and punishment system that is similar to the maternal system of their childhood hierarchies are perceived by men as a reliable and predictable.. For good behavior, they gain recognition and Transport, for misconduct and violation of no confidence. The fact that women feel more comfortable in flat hierarchies, are afraid of the tough competition, and be inspired to not let military uniforms and has little to do with the fact that women are more peaceful and open aggression. Rather, this is a sign of their greater independence. You can not afford the luxury of not one or the other recognition and reward, as the male fear of being left covered in case of failure by the Company, is foreign to them. As they are accustomed to helping them social mobility and security for they are indeed quite interesting, but unlike the men must sie sich diese nicht um jeden Preis erkämpfen. Auch darum sind Frauen seltener in Führungspositionen zu finden. Dem Kampf der Männer um Macht und Geld wohnt insofern auch eine gewisse Verzweiflung inne.

Wider die weibliche Hegemonie

Eine weibliche Hegemonie auf Kosten der Männer zu errichten, lag den ursprünglichen Strömungen des Feminismus fern. De Beauvoir und ihre Schwestern propagierten einen Feminismus, der zwar Provokantes formulierte, aber dennoch nichts mit dem heutigen von Dogmen und Denkverboten durchzogenen, männerverachtenden und männerausgrenzenden Glasperlenspieler-Feminismus gemein hatte. Und genau hierin verbirg sich ein weiterer Denkfehler vieler, the modern feminism defend. Those who study historical sources to feminism and the mere fact derives his understanding of feminism, ignores the fact that most of it is simply history. Feminism, the kind you find in books, encyclopedias or on Wikipedia, is dead, the idea of \u200b\u200bmany people rather describes what feminism was once, not what he is today. What remains is an empty shell, which is abused as in the case of anti-feminists of the left-wing groups like a masquerade to make their anti-democratic and deeply sexist violence desires run wild.

The so-called feminism turns active men in the way when they formulate even legitimate claims for their own sex. With its network of equality bodies and officers, he distributed money always such that they are only part of the female population, and are missing any place where boys and men have to deal with existential problems and require urgent assistance. This so-called feminism will certainly know the monopoly on suffering in the hands of women and excludes men from the compassion of the society. In this respect, can confidently speak of a "female hegemony." Breeding ground of this hegemony is a perversion to the celebrated Opfernarzissmus, by definition, the eternal victims and men to women declared perpetual offenders. A victim is weak, and it raises the question of what it should be attractive to assume his role. A victim can also request to be given responsibility without ever. And it even manages to bring victims to find out about his tormentors, so the victim would enjoy all the benefits of the weak and the powerful at the same time without but each must take the disadvantages. The resurrected victim remains in spite of all victims is gained power to absolve of any responsibility or guilt, and above criticism. The victim therefore mutated the Holy interpretation with absolute sovereignty and integrity. Consider this, on the one hand, and women ever podium again today be lifted, celebrated as Alpha empowers girls, whereas men are vilified as useless flesh, violence and impulsiveness. Consider the other hand, the enthusiasm with which the victims again and again mantric role of women is cemented.

This schizophrenic Feminine Mystique has a system. It defines men as the oppressive, but inferior, whereas women as the nobler, purer people rise above their oppressors. Basically, this structure can be described as fascistic quiet conscience. And just as it should be for an ideology, it is all connected obviously with a promise of salvation. A women controlled and the "male principle" free world must of course better, what else, the feminist interpretation of sovereignty is thus at once legitimized in three ways: first, by the victim, secondly, by the wife as the better man, thirdly, the healing promise of a better, female world. What on privilege can be justified with the elimination of discrimination can, so either be also justified by the female superiority.

What do anti-feminists now? Your enemy is not the women, and why. Feminism today has to do with women as much as the SPD with the working class. Feminism is not with the population Women equate as a whole. Likewise, feminism is not elementary for the first riding human rights. Anti-feminism today can not therefore be equated with misogyny. The outcry of some left-wing extremist Spätpupertierender, the anti-feminists to turn back the wheel to make the women emancipation in dispute and push them back to the kitchen has already almost comical. Why should the anti-feminists want? What would men like this? Women and men to the fire in the factory? What man wants that? What do anti-feminists, is the end of a Zeitgeites, the holy women and men speaks demonized. Anti-feminists do the end of a policy that women to promote and discipline men. Anti-feminists claim that men the same humanity, the same compassion and the same support will be met with as women. And? Are these claims so bad?

Labatory Eight Population Genetics And Evolution

modes of action of female hegemony and anti-feminists

René Kuhn und seine Anhänger haben es nicht einfach. Zuerst lehnte der Wirt vom Restaurant "Die Waid" es ab, die Antifeministen zu bewirten. Dann verweigerte die Züricher Kantonalbank den Antifeministen auch noch eine Kontoeröffnung. In beiden Fällen wurde jedoch schnell Ersatz gefunden. Ein mit den Antifeministen sympathisierender Wirt bot sogleich Ersatz in seiner noblen Palmengartenresidenz. In der Hütte des Einen mochte man sie nicht dulden, dann nahmen sie eben den Palast eines anderen. Und auch ein Konto haben sie bekommen, nun eben bei der Post. In der Zwischenzeit haben Linksextremisten es durch Einschüchterung und Aufrufen zur Gewalt geschafft, dass die Antifeministen auch aus ihrem Palmengarten vertrieben wurden and once again have to find a new venue. The meeting will now take place at a secret location under a large security effort. But it will take place .

that it had to come to this kind happening was predictable. The origin lies in the subjective meaning of the word "feminism" and derived from it understanding of what "anti-feminism" then probably has to be. Many people have a pretty one-dimensional, so almost childishly naive idea of \u200b\u200bwhat feminism is. Feminism is for women and their rights are and who is against feminism, should naturally also against women. At least that is the conclusion The results from this simple, crude definition.

poodle and mother of sons

Amusingly, it will be noted that most (male) contemporaries who defend feminism in this form and demonize any counter-movement with the same energy, maintain they mostly rather old-fashioned and archaic roles . The women-friendly and, as most anti-male laws are made by politicians who could not leave during their career, always faithful to them serving housewife. A rather quaint specimen of this variety, though not a politician, is Johannes Kerner. This harassing Eva Hermann, because she demanded in her book "The Eva Principle" a partial return to the old image of women. Thereof may each keep what he wants, but Eva Hermann was in the brown grubby corner found they had reproduced a quote from her distorted by Kerner and she was thrown out during the current program. The question of why he even live at home just that traditional role, which he accuses her book about Eva Herman, he fought harshly with the fact that this was a private matter.

Maskulisten have given this particular type of man, the term "purple poodle" because such men appear on the outside as if they trained like little lap dog verhielten. Und in der Tat basiert vieles auf dem Belohnungs- und Bestrafungsprinzip, wie man es von der Tierdressur oder von der Erziehung kleiner Kinder kennt. Die erste Frau in einem Männerleben ist die eigene Mutter, auf sie folgen dann Erzieherinnen und Lehrerinnen. Männer werden von Frauen gemacht. Ganz besonders gilt dies heute, da immer mehr Kinder gänzlich ohne Vater aufwachsen. Eine Mutter liebt ihren Sohn, ganz gleich wie unartig er sein mag. Nichtsdestotrotz macht er natürlich die Erfahrung, dass er das Wohlwollen seiner Mutter durch Wohlverhalten erlangt.

Von dieser Prägung können viele Männer sich Zeit ihres Lebens nur schwer lösen. In weiblicher Gesellschaft neigen sie unwillkürlich to the good will of the opposite sex to buy in the same way as they did already with her mother. Other hand, runs across a man, he is not only women but all the more passionate of the other men referenced in his place. The latter behave here as the little angry boy in the schoolyard defending his mom against the Schlechtrederei of his classmates. Satisfaction received this protector men first, by the favor of women, and secondly by the degradation of their querulous gender. Contradicts or opposes, a man of feeling and feminine interpretation of sovereignty, which is an unconscious rebellion against his own mother the same. Die Folge ist eine subtile Induktion mit Schuldgefühlen. Frauen scheinen diesen Mechanismus intuitiv auszunutzen und Männer scheinen sich diesem Einfluss auf mysteriöse Weise nicht entziehen zu können.

Der Mehrwertigkeitskomplex - zwischen Unterwerfung und Narzissmus

Was auf den ersten Blick den Eindruck von Unterwürfigkeit erweckt, trägt bei nicht wenigen Männern ebenso eine narzisstische Komponente. Der Pudel setzt sich als Beschützermann in Szene, als edler Tarzan, der all seine noch edleren Janes unter seinen Schutz stellt. Gleichsam dominiert er damit die anderen schlechten Buben. Frauen waren schon seit je her ein beliebtes Mittel, um  to manipulate men through their duty and honor. A well-wise, I called this unknown contemporary mood aptly as "more complex value," a contradictory mix of feelings of inferiority towards women on the one hand and a distinct swagger dominance over other men on the other. As if to pray such men to women, while at the same time they look down on them. They do this while in a benevolent way, as one looks down to a daughter, but here they incapacitate women, while they themselves exaggerate. The true reactionaries and "patriarch" is so often precisely those that demon on the feminist passionate worship. The fact that feminists reward and encourage such behavior seems paradoxical. It is, however, the fact that modern feminists can never be interested in the elimination of those conditions that they condemn themselves constantly. For contrary to throw more blame women for men, the more they see has them make the right women yet. The eternal guilt and atonement carousel effect on men as a catalyst and thus appears to be extremely useful.

The man is conditioned to function. Does not he, he is punished, expelled from the community and particularly on the favor of women. Die Angst zu versagen, nicht akzeptiert und nicht anerkannt zu werden, sitzt bei Männern daher tief und ist elementarer Bestandteil ihrer Identität. Diese Angst ist aber nicht von abstrakter Natur sondern in der Tat berechtigt. Und sie lässt sich auch nicht mit ein paar Männerstuhlkreisen wegtherapieren. Ein Beispiel liefert die Jungen- und Männerarbeit in Deutschland. Mehr als zwei Drittel aller erwachsenen Gewaltopfer sind Männer, gleichfalls sind 70 Prozent aller Opfer unter Kindern und Jugendlichen Jungen. Dennoch sind Angebote für männliche Opfer rar. Allenfalls Täterberatungsstellen scheint es in ausreichender Menge zu geben. In der Tat wird z.B. Opferarbeit mit Jungen gerne als Präventionsarbeit verstanden, insbesondere gilt so when it comes to sexually abused boys goes. Thus, the reasoning should, be taken into account the fact that victims are more likely to later become young offenders. The real reason is that boys' and men's work must always work with perpetrators, if accepted, will be supported and encouraged. For everything else there's simply not collect any money.

First of most boys and men do not become perpetrators later, it only affects a minority among them. Fact that this minority will be higher than the opposite sex is the case. It does, however, the question of whether this is not Ursache und Wirkung miteinander verwechselt werden. Wenn in Not geratene Jungen oder Männer keine Unterstützung erhalten, wenn sie nicht als Opfer, sondern nur als potentielle Täter wahrgenommen werden, wenn ihnen jenes uneingeschränkte Mitgefühl vorenthalten wird, welches für Mädchen und Frauen selbstverständlich ist, wenn man sich nicht für sie selbst, sondern nur für den Schaden interessiert, den sie vielleicht, möglicherweise, wer weiß, irgendwann einmal in der Zukunft an anderen Menschen, womöglich gar an Mädchen oder Frauen anrichten könnten - muss es dann wirklich verwundern, dass sie als Opfer auch häufiger zu Tätern werden?

Fast It seems like there were boys and men no more than material, which - once it is damaged - are immediately repaired, so that their users are not hurt by their use. Finally damaged material is discarded and disposed of in the social scrap heaps. Violence, crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, these are all male domains, and products that very use attitude that men met with. Is

No help for men

The traditional stereotype that men are in Compared with women less able to accept help, is to part right and partly wrong cave. Men are in fact rare, and late on the idea to seek help, but this out from experience, that no such help for her there. The appeal to the men kindly to work on themselves and their traditional ideals of masculinity affects other almost cynical. In this way, men, and she immediately articulate their problems and needs, referred back cool and boldly on their own.

The second periodic safety review of the government, among other deals with the fight against domestic violence. For the first time it is also mention of the fact, that in roughly equal proportions of men and women posed, and not as bright field identify the numbers of criminal statistics, a man's domain. Furthermore, we learn from this report that female victims of violence are proactively contacted by the counseling centers, after police gave the data of the victims without their consent to the counseling centers. Apart from the fact that there is no support for male victims in this form, this example clearly shows, is approached with with which granted and at what cost assistance to women. Women need to seek help often do not even get them easily. A "comfort", entirely on the men are excluded.

The men fear that does not rightly before the failure, and from this also explains why men can even be used by them for things that hurt them clearly and why they constraints imposed often not only as natural but also as a pleasant feel. Men prefer strict hierarchies and structures, because these - thought very cross - are nothing more than an eternally revolving reward and punishment system that is similar to the maternal system of their childhood hierarchies are perceived by men as a reliable and predictable.. For good behavior, they gain recognition and Transport, for misconduct and violation of no confidence. The fact that women feel more comfortable in flat hierarchies, are afraid of the tough competition, and be inspired to not let military uniforms and has little to do with the fact that women are more peaceful and open aggression. Rather, this is a sign of their greater independence. You can not afford the luxury of not one or the other recognition and reward, as the male fear of being left covered in case of failure by the Company, is foreign to them. As they are accustomed to helping them social mobility and security for they are indeed quite interesting, but unlike the men must sie sich diese nicht um jeden Preis erkämpfen. Auch darum sind Frauen seltener in Führungspositionen zu finden. Dem Kampf der Männer um Macht und Geld wohnt insofern auch eine gewisse Verzweiflung inne.

Wider die weibliche Hegemonie

Eine weibliche Hegemonie auf Kosten der Männer zu errichten, lag den ursprünglichen Strömungen des Feminismus fern. De Beauvoir und ihre Schwestern propagierten einen Feminismus, der zwar Provokantes formulierte, aber dennoch nichts mit dem heutigen von Dogmen und Denkverboten durchzogenen, männerverachtenden und männerausgrenzenden Glasperlenspieler-Feminismus gemein hatte. Und genau hierin verbirg sich ein weiterer Denkfehler vieler, the modern feminism defend. Those who study historical sources to feminism and the mere fact derives his understanding of feminism, ignores the fact that most of it is simply history. Feminism, the kind you find in books, encyclopedias or on Wikipedia, is dead, the idea of \u200b\u200bmany people rather describes what feminism was once, not what he is today. What remains is an empty shell, which is abused as in the case of anti-feminists of the left-wing groups like a masquerade to make their anti-democratic and deeply sexist violence desires run wild.

The so-called feminism turns active men in the way when they formulate even legitimate claims for their own sex. With its network of equality bodies and officers, he distributed money always such that they are only part of the female population, and are missing any place where boys and men have to deal with existential problems and require urgent assistance. This so-called feminism will certainly know the monopoly on suffering in the hands of women and excludes men from the compassion of the society. In this respect, can confidently speak of a "female hegemony." Breeding ground of this hegemony is a perversion to the celebrated Opfernarzissmus, by definition, the eternal victims and men to women declared perpetual offenders. A victim is weak, and it raises the question of what it should be attractive to assume his role. A victim can also request to be given responsibility without ever. And it even manages to bring victims to find out about his tormentors, so the victim would enjoy all the benefits of the weak and the powerful at the same time without but each must take the disadvantages. The resurrected victim remains in spite of all victims is gained power to absolve of any responsibility or guilt, and above criticism. The victim therefore mutated the Holy interpretation with absolute sovereignty and integrity. Consider this, on the one hand, and women ever podium again today be lifted, celebrated as Alpha empowers girls, whereas men are vilified as useless flesh, violence and impulsiveness. Consider the other hand, the enthusiasm with which the victims again and again mantric role of women is cemented.

This schizophrenic Feminine Mystique has a system. It defines men as the oppressive, but inferior, whereas women as the nobler, purer people rise above their oppressors. Basically, this structure can be described as fascistic quiet conscience. And just as it should be for an ideology, it is all connected obviously with a promise of salvation. A women controlled and the "male principle" free world must of course better, what else, the feminist interpretation of sovereignty is thus at once legitimized in three ways: first, by the victim, secondly, by the wife as the better man, thirdly, the healing promise of a better, female world. What on privilege can be justified with the elimination of discrimination can, so either be also justified by the female superiority.

What do anti-feminists now? Your enemy is not the women, and why. Feminism today has to do with women as much as the SPD with the working class. Feminism is not with the population Women equate as a whole. Likewise, feminism is not elementary for the first riding human rights. Anti-feminism today can not therefore be equated with misogyny. The outcry of some left-wing extremist Spätpupertierender, the anti-feminists to turn back the wheel to make the women emancipation in dispute and push them back to the kitchen has already almost comical. Why should the anti-feminists want? What would men like this? Women and men to the fire in the factory? What man wants that? What do anti-feminists, is the end of a Zeitgeites, the holy women and men speaks demonized. Anti-feminists do the end of a policy that women to promote and discipline men. Anti-feminists claim that men the same humanity, the same compassion and the same support will be met with as women. And? Are these claims so bad?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Craigslist Women Stocking

dog races, yesterday was the last training runs for this year

on the track of greyhound racing club in Oberhausen-Palatinate Rheinhausen / Baden is the racing season dieses Jahr langsam zu Ende. Bei einem der der letzten Trainingsläufe dieses Jahres durfte ich wieder, wie schon im April und Mai dieses Jahres fotografieren.
Hiermit ergeht ein herzlicher Dank an die Organisatoren und Verantwortlichen.

im folgenden Foto ist im Vordergrund der "Hase" zu sehen, ein Bündel Gewebe aus Kunstfasern, welches allein schon durch das Bewegungsmuster den Jagdtrieb der Hunde anspricht und diese dazu treibt diesen Köder verfolgen

a colorful, with its collar especially spruced dog lady

Craigslist Women Stocking

dog races, yesterday was the last training runs for this year

on the track of greyhound racing club in Oberhausen-Palatinate Rheinhausen / Baden is the racing season dieses Jahr langsam zu Ende. Bei einem der der letzten Trainingsläufe dieses Jahres durfte ich wieder, wie schon im April und Mai dieses Jahres fotografieren.
Hiermit ergeht ein herzlicher Dank an die Organisatoren und Verantwortlichen.

im folgenden Foto ist im Vordergrund der "Hase" zu sehen, ein Bündel Gewebe aus Kunstfasern, welches allein schon durch das Bewegungsmuster den Jagdtrieb der Hunde anspricht und diese dazu treibt diesen Köder verfolgen

a colorful, with its collar especially spruced dog lady