web units as medium of learning in the social sciences
web Units:... Lessons in Web 2.0 to students the vastness of the Internet with specific targets and work orders are opened, the teachers act as designers, instructors, using plates and evaluations with this approach provides a basis Educational Media heavily pre-structured base side dar. "For the first there is outlined the topic with which to confront the students. In addition, this page contains the question to be solved or tasks that are specifically linked to the relevant addresses for processing. The students can open these pages individually so that a return to the base page or a parallel comparison made individual pages at any time. " Sandra Welper will supply the idea of this concept media also and didactic analysis approaches and explains the suitability of this concept for media education in the social sciences and, ultimately, policy-visual Context. Nevertheless, it presents possible lines of development, and provides interesting views for further development.
web units as medium of learning in the social sciences
web Units:... Lessons in Web 2.0 to students the vastness of the Internet with specific targets and work orders are opened, the teachers act as designers, instructors, using plates and evaluations with this approach provides a basis Educational Media heavily pre-structured base side dar. "For the first there is outlined the topic with which to confront the students. In addition, this page contains the question to be solved or tasks that are specifically linked to the relevant addresses for processing. The students can open these pages individually so that a return to the base page or a parallel comparison made individual pages at any time. " Sandra Welper will supply the idea of this concept media also and didactic analysis approaches and explains the suitability of this concept for media education in the social sciences and, ultimately, policy-visual Context. Nevertheless, it presents possible lines of development, and provides interesting views for further development.
Policy Learning in the Context of Web-based communication
The author, Karin Doll brings home, in your scientific contribution to the key words "Internet" and "Political Learning together , addresses the question of inweit the Web as full of promise "medium power" (Neverla, 1998) the 90 since the circulating claims as an innovator and change drivers was just and where expectations have not been confirmed.
Dollhausen takes first meaningful things on the Web in its 1.0 and 2.0 features and supports this with arguments of scientists who published around the turn of the millennium. It concedes that have been in the "rezenptiven media work," the "active media work" and in the field of "Teaching and learning happens paradigm shift by the new medium, but - have been partially overvalued euphoric - so Dollhausen.
The medium of the Internet in the comments Pro-simplifying the arguments and the increase of speed in production, distribution and reception granted. Furthermore, is the author of that decentralization is not as important Eigfenschaft the Web in question and recognize the resulting opportunity for political participation as well. However, these are after Dollhausen arguments relating only to the technical characteristics of the Internet. [1]
would neglect here the dimension of the role of the Internet as a tool in the context of individual and social policy learning processes. [2]
In continuous text are various arguments put to the test. This concrete evidence of the early speculations are compared. Karin Dollhausen daruf indicates that the Internet policy as a hoped-for "media education of everyone" does not exist, because commercial providers and public educational institutions represented on the other hand, are displaced. [3] Similarly, the skills of teachers, the possibilities are exploit the Internet for the learning process is very low. This leads Dollhausen a researcher (King, 2001), which proves that the degree of use of the Internet in public education "is extremely small." Regarding the usage rate of the social-networking opportunities for political education purposes Dollhausen notes that this is in comparison to the total number of users rather marginal. [4]
conclusion draws Karin Dollhausen possible lines of development and goals of political Formation in connection with the use of the Web.
DOLLHAUSEN, Karin (2004a): Internet und Politikaneignung. Wie verändert die Netzkommunikation das politische Lernen? Vortragsmanuskript, gehalten im Rahmen der Edupolis – Konferenz: „ e-learning nach dem Hype – zwischen Ernüchterung und der Entdeckung neuer Möglichkeiten für (politisches) Lernen im WWW "From 10/13/2004 to 10/16/2004 in DGB Education Centre Hattingen.
Policy Learning in the Context of Web-based communication
The author, Karin Doll brings home, in your scientific contribution to the key words "Internet" and "Political Learning together , addresses the question of inweit the Web as full of promise "medium power" (Neverla, 1998) the 90 since the circulating claims as an innovator and change drivers was just and where expectations have not been confirmed.
Dollhausen takes first meaningful things on the Web in its 1.0 and 2.0 features and supports this with arguments of scientists who published around the turn of the millennium. It concedes that have been in the "rezenptiven media work," the "active media work" and in the field of "Teaching and learning happens paradigm shift by the new medium, but - have been partially overvalued euphoric - so Dollhausen.
The medium of the Internet in the comments Pro-simplifying the arguments and the increase of speed in production, distribution and reception granted. Furthermore, is the author of that decentralization is not as important Eigfenschaft the Web in question and recognize the resulting opportunity for political participation as well. However, these are after Dollhausen arguments relating only to the technical characteristics of the Internet. [1]
would neglect here the dimension of the role of the Internet as a tool in the context of individual and social policy learning processes. [2]
In continuous text are various arguments put to the test. This concrete evidence of the early speculations are compared. Karin Dollhausen daruf indicates that the Internet policy as a hoped-for "media education of everyone" does not exist, because commercial providers and public educational institutions represented on the other hand, are displaced. [3] Similarly, the skills of teachers, the possibilities are exploit the Internet for the learning process is very low. This leads Dollhausen a researcher (King, 2001), which proves that the degree of use of the Internet in public education "is extremely small." Regarding the usage rate of the social-networking opportunities for political education purposes Dollhausen notes that this is in comparison to the total number of users rather marginal. [4]
conclusion draws Karin Dollhausen possible lines of development and goals of political Formation in connection with the use of the Web.
DOLLHAUSEN, Karin (2004a): Internet und Politikaneignung. Wie verändert die Netzkommunikation das politische Lernen? Vortragsmanuskript, gehalten im Rahmen der Edupolis – Konferenz: „ e-learning nach dem Hype – zwischen Ernüchterung und der Entdeckung neuer Möglichkeiten für (politisches) Lernen im WWW "From 10/13/2004 to 10/16/2004 in DGB Education Centre Hattingen.
This publication of APuZ a good look at the profile of Internet use.
"1.3 billion people - one fifth of the world's population - use the World Wide Web, in Germany alone, more than 42 million Internet users and users counted. The Internet, which is available as a mass medium only for 15 years, and other "new" media to facilitate transport and the global expansion of communication relations: cross-cultural communication. Scientists speak of a "globalization of media communications. This is done in conjunction with traditional media, it is not so much about "world communications" as to communications in regional metropolitan areas, such as the "communication space Europe".
fact, can anyone - regardless of hierarchies, national boundaries or institutional connections - participate in global communication processes: it has provided access to the Internet. This limitation obscures the hope that Internet will promote democratization in the sense of a transnational public quickly. Equity or language barriers obstruct still a large part of the (world) population is at the entrance to the "network society". "
This publication of APuZ a good look at the profile of Internet use.
"1.3 billion people - one fifth of the world's population - use the World Wide Web, in Germany alone, more than 42 million Internet users and users counted. The Internet, which is available as a mass medium only for 15 years, and other "new" media to facilitate transport and the global expansion of communication relations: cross-cultural communication. Scientists speak of a "globalization of media communications. This is done in conjunction with traditional media, it is not so much about "world communications" as to communications in regional metropolitan areas, such as the "communication space Europe".
fact, can anyone - regardless of hierarchies, national boundaries or institutional connections - participate in global communication processes: it has provided access to the Internet. This limitation obscures the hope that Internet will promote democratization in the sense of a transnational public quickly. Equity or language barriers obstruct still a large part of the (world) population is at the entrance to the "network society". "
Mag David Röthler explained using a PowerPoint presentation that Web 2.0 is an ideal basis for Politische Bildung und politisches Engagement bildet, indem es Plattformen für den Citizen-Journalism bietet. Diese durch neue Technologien entstandenen und entstehenden Medien bieten eine Chance zur aktiven politischen Partizipation. Deren Nutzung (unter anderem) – so Röthler – wird in Zukunft eine wichtige Voraussetzung politischer Partizipation von Bürgern und Bürgerinnen sein. Medienbildung ist dabei Zugangsvoraussetzung und somit zunehmend Gegenstand politischer Settings.
Mag David Röthler explained using a PowerPoint presentation that Web 2.0 is an ideal basis for Politische Bildung und politisches Engagement bildet, indem es Plattformen für den Citizen-Journalism bietet. Diese durch neue Technologien entstandenen und entstehenden Medien bieten eine Chance zur aktiven politischen Partizipation. Deren Nutzung (unter anderem) – so Röthler – wird in Zukunft eine wichtige Voraussetzung politischer Partizipation von Bürgern und Bürgerinnen sein. Medienbildung ist dabei Zugangsvoraussetzung und somit zunehmend Gegenstand politischer Settings.