is "clear. YouTube and Facebook have been identified by party strategists as platforms on which they trust to the online campaign addition there is a little mention that in . Germany, despite heavy media coverage in recent weeks not yet reached the large amount of voters, however, will accelerate Twitter the online campaign and many opinion leaders are now fast forward to this road to reach
Other trends are evident. Every more or less motivated candidate is in a the upcoming election campaigns for an account on Facebook Twitter and talk, have to now and then to the Internet on YouTube and maybe blogging. Some will do it themselves. Some politicians will settle out from the crowd by taking advantage of after the election is still fighting these tools and integrate them into their daily lives "
(Source: newthinking-communikations.de).
is "clear. YouTube and Facebook have been identified by party strategists as platforms on which they trust to the online campaign addition there is a little mention that in . Germany, despite heavy media coverage in recent weeks not yet reached the large amount of voters, however, will accelerate Twitter the online campaign and many opinion leaders are now fast forward to this road to reach
Other trends are evident. Every more or less motivated candidate is in a the upcoming election campaigns for an account on Facebook Twitter and talk, have to now and then to the Internet on YouTube and maybe blogging. Some will do it themselves. Some politicians will settle out from the crowd by taking advantage of after the election is still fighting these tools and integrate them into their daily lives "
(Source: newthinking-communikations.de).