Saturday, August 28, 2010

Add A Heatpump To An Oil Furnace

crime and punishment

Nadja Benaissa
The No Angels Nadja Benaissa singer was sentenced to two years probation, because they knowingly two men has been infected with HIV. The German AIDS Help, criticized the verdict, not merely because it failed in their opinion too mild, but too hard.

It is difficult to understand how it came to such a reaction from the AIDS Help. After all, this is an organization that is a public advocate of prevention. How can such an organization to protect imagine a person who knowingly infected others, so do the exact opposite of what the AIDS-Help is actually. Especially since it is Benaissa a prominent person is a role model, geared to the young people. What signal set the judiciary, the AIDS-Hilfe, and the media? Is the message "It's OK if you infect your partner, they have themselves to blame if they trust you?

The answer is obvious Yes! As long as there is a perpetrator and not a perpetrator. Benaissa would a man, would be public and the judiciary as well as the AIDS-Hilfe gone hard with her to court. This is demonstrated by cases in the past in which men for similar crimes like this just did not get lax with suspended sentences and were not sponsored by the AIDS assistance and the media.

punishment for men, women, the compassion

In the slightly older article "criminal law for men, psychiatry for women " published in the journal "Criminological Journal the author Maud Kips concludes that illegal behavior by women is not so little is in evidence than that of men because women are less delinquent. Instead, men and women are controlled in different ways and sanctioned. In men, then, rather the punitive and educational moment comes into play, while women are more likely delinquency is interpreted as a sign of neediness and vulnerability [1].
If many centuries later, a historian examine our age is, perhaps it will meet the prisons. It takes some buildings that are populated predominantly by male population. These buildings are well guarded, but not only the output is controlled, but almost more stringent of the input. Permission to enter the building is the result of a long, is interspersed with rituals procedure that extensive of a bureaucratic apparatus is kept in motion. You will note that this apparatus a selection between those who are allowed to enter this building and those who do not have access, makes, and that the most important criterion of selection the sex is.

[...] It is clear that it is psychiatry that - exercise social control over women, or rather, about their work - as a counterpart to the criminal law. The psychiatric science is concerned with the relationship of body and soul, and may seem therefore been particularly likely to confirm the one concept of women's roles, the women in their biological "fate" binds. Psychiatric patients may be seen as women, the limit of the " have exceeded typical female role. "
be also the opinion of the author of many crimes committed by women is not categorized as such.
Gerade die am häufigsten angewendeten Tatbestände des Strafrechts beziehen sich auf Bereiche, die fast ausschließlich von Männern besetzt sind oder ihrer “Ausstattung" entsprechen: die Wirtschaft - und darunter verstehe ich nicht die Wirtschaftskriminalität, sondern vor allem den Diebstahl und den Drogenhandel - sowie die Anwendung körperlicher Gewalt. Bereiche, die von Frauen besetzt sind, wie das Kindergebären, die Kindererziehung, die Pflege der Männer, die Haushaltung und das Unterhalten von (Familien-)-Beziehungen, finden sich im Strafrecht so gut wie nicht. Probleme, Konflikte und unerwünschtes Verhalten in diesen Bereichen werden nicht kriminalisiert, zum Teil sogar entkriminalisiert. Why women are not able to get a criminal status.

find the man behind it

The case Benaissa shows an example, that women experience is not necessarily so rare criminal or violent in appearance, because they are naturally the more peaceful race. Rather it is the company difficult to ascribe women the same degree of responsibility and guilt, as it is wont to do in men. Instead, find a shift of responsibility towards the male part of society, whenever a woman sits in the dock.

Where: find the man behind it . Does a woman ill, abused or murdered them about their own children, so, the focus on the partner or ex-partner, father or brother. He may have abused or neglected, they simply loved. He must be, who has driven this poor woman so far has not their mental abnormality or absence of their own empathy detected early enough. He must be to the helped her in time and she has left to the excessive demands.

The man behind must not be part of the present, must not stand up by connecting with what had happened. He is also the woman in the past all kinds of mental Wounds have caused or have simply violated only by their absence. Is there the man behind it not, the man has to serve about - the man as a collective, as the patriarchy that makes this woman's life hard and puts so their debt, at least. Men are such kindness, such a view of her biography and life circumstances are generally not given.

the victim is a man who then offers yet another variation, namely that the victims themselves to blame. Most recently, a message went through the press, after which a physician deliberately a male cyclist was almost totgefahren because it mirrors their geschrammt, und ihr den Mittefinger gezeigt hatte. Die Frau wurde zu einer langen Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt, die Seiten der Online-Medien aber füllten sich mit Kommentaren, nach denen das Opfer doch angeblich selber schuld sei, habe er die Frau doch "massivst provoziert". Das Urteil wurde von vielen als zu hart empfunden, man hatte Mitleid mit der Täterin, nicht aber mit dem Opfer.

Den Mann dahinter gibt es im Fall von Benaissa nicht, dafür aber den Mann darüber - den gibt es immer. Die Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe resümiert in ihrer Kritik über das Urteil, dass die Verhütung und Prävention einseitig Frauen zugeschrieben werde. Diese Behauptung ist nicht nur aus der Luft gegriffen, it is much harder in the face sentences of men in similar cases, pure nonsense. Rather, the argument of the alleged oppression of women is trying to deny female guilt. What must not, can not be flat.

is also the above-mentioned shifts the responsibility to observe the victim. "Self-blame" was sometimes the tenor in the media about the men in question, why did they not prevented? Well, perhaps because she trusted the woman - apparently a serious mistake, they will have learned their lesson. In addition, it was Benaissa, who knew of their infection, and not the men. Just the looks on die Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, wenn sie anmahnt, dass mit einem solchen Urteil "die gemeinsame Verantwortung zweier Menschen außer Kraft" gesetzt werde.

[1] Maud Kips: Kriminologisches Journal 1991, S. 125 Strafrecht für Männer, Psychiatrie für Frauen

Add A Heatpump To An Oil Furnace

crime and punishment

Nadja Benaissa
The No Angels Nadja Benaissa singer was sentenced to two years probation, because they knowingly two men has been infected with HIV. The German AIDS Help, criticized the verdict, not merely because it failed in their opinion too mild, but too hard.

It is difficult to understand how it came to such a reaction from the AIDS Help. After all, this is an organization that is a public advocate of prevention. How can such an organization to protect imagine a person who knowingly infected others, so do the exact opposite of what the AIDS-Help is actually. Especially since it is Benaissa a prominent person is a role model, geared to the young people. What signal set the judiciary, the AIDS-Hilfe, and the media? Is the message "It's OK if you infect your partner, they have themselves to blame if they trust you?

The answer is obvious Yes! As long as there is a perpetrator and not a perpetrator. Benaissa would a man, would be public and the judiciary as well as the AIDS-Hilfe gone hard with her to court. This is demonstrated by cases in the past in which men for similar crimes like this just did not get lax with suspended sentences and were not sponsored by the AIDS assistance and the media.

punishment for men, women, the compassion

In the slightly older article "criminal law for men, psychiatry for women " published in the journal "Criminological Journal the author Maud Kips concludes that illegal behavior by women is not so little is in evidence than that of men because women are less delinquent. Instead, men and women are controlled in different ways and sanctioned. In men, then, rather the punitive and educational moment comes into play, while women are more likely delinquency is interpreted as a sign of neediness and vulnerability [1].
If many centuries later, a historian examine our age is, perhaps it will meet the prisons. It takes some buildings that are populated predominantly by male population. These buildings are well guarded, but not only the output is controlled, but almost more stringent of the input. Permission to enter the building is the result of a long, is interspersed with rituals procedure that extensive of a bureaucratic apparatus is kept in motion. You will note that this apparatus a selection between those who are allowed to enter this building and those who do not have access, makes, and that the most important criterion of selection the sex is.

[...] It is clear that it is psychiatry that - exercise social control over women, or rather, about their work - as a counterpart to the criminal law. The psychiatric science is concerned with the relationship of body and soul, and may seem therefore been particularly likely to confirm the one concept of women's roles, the women in their biological "fate" binds. Psychiatric patients may be seen as women, the limit of the " have exceeded typical female role. "
be also the opinion of the author of many crimes committed by women is not categorized as such.
Gerade die am häufigsten angewendeten Tatbestände des Strafrechts beziehen sich auf Bereiche, die fast ausschließlich von Männern besetzt sind oder ihrer “Ausstattung" entsprechen: die Wirtschaft - und darunter verstehe ich nicht die Wirtschaftskriminalität, sondern vor allem den Diebstahl und den Drogenhandel - sowie die Anwendung körperlicher Gewalt. Bereiche, die von Frauen besetzt sind, wie das Kindergebären, die Kindererziehung, die Pflege der Männer, die Haushaltung und das Unterhalten von (Familien-)-Beziehungen, finden sich im Strafrecht so gut wie nicht. Probleme, Konflikte und unerwünschtes Verhalten in diesen Bereichen werden nicht kriminalisiert, zum Teil sogar entkriminalisiert. Why women are not able to get a criminal status.

find the man behind it

The case Benaissa shows an example, that women experience is not necessarily so rare criminal or violent in appearance, because they are naturally the more peaceful race. Rather it is the company difficult to ascribe women the same degree of responsibility and guilt, as it is wont to do in men. Instead, find a shift of responsibility towards the male part of society, whenever a woman sits in the dock.

Where: find the man behind it . Does a woman ill, abused or murdered them about their own children, so, the focus on the partner or ex-partner, father or brother. He may have abused or neglected, they simply loved. He must be, who has driven this poor woman so far has not their mental abnormality or absence of their own empathy detected early enough. He must be to the helped her in time and she has left to the excessive demands.

The man behind must not be part of the present, must not stand up by connecting with what had happened. He is also the woman in the past all kinds of mental Wounds have caused or have simply violated only by their absence. Is there the man behind it not, the man has to serve about - the man as a collective, as the patriarchy that makes this woman's life hard and puts so their debt, at least. Men are such kindness, such a view of her biography and life circumstances are generally not given.

the victim is a man who then offers yet another variation, namely that the victims themselves to blame. Most recently, a message went through the press, after which a physician deliberately a male cyclist was almost totgefahren because it mirrors their geschrammt, und ihr den Mittefinger gezeigt hatte. Die Frau wurde zu einer langen Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt, die Seiten der Online-Medien aber füllten sich mit Kommentaren, nach denen das Opfer doch angeblich selber schuld sei, habe er die Frau doch "massivst provoziert". Das Urteil wurde von vielen als zu hart empfunden, man hatte Mitleid mit der Täterin, nicht aber mit dem Opfer.

Den Mann dahinter gibt es im Fall von Benaissa nicht, dafür aber den Mann darüber - den gibt es immer. Die Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe resümiert in ihrer Kritik über das Urteil, dass die Verhütung und Prävention einseitig Frauen zugeschrieben werde. Diese Behauptung ist nicht nur aus der Luft gegriffen, it is much harder in the face sentences of men in similar cases, pure nonsense. Rather, the argument of the alleged oppression of women is trying to deny female guilt. What must not, can not be flat.

is also the above-mentioned shifts the responsibility to observe the victim. "Self-blame" was sometimes the tenor in the media about the men in question, why did they not prevented? Well, perhaps because she trusted the woman - apparently a serious mistake, they will have learned their lesson. In addition, it was Benaissa, who knew of their infection, and not the men. Just the looks on die Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, wenn sie anmahnt, dass mit einem solchen Urteil "die gemeinsame Verantwortung zweier Menschen außer Kraft" gesetzt werde.

[1] Maud Kips: Kriminologisches Journal 1991, S. 125 Strafrecht für Männer, Psychiatrie für Frauen

Sunday, August 22, 2010

5 Months Old Coughing Dry Coigh

four days in Martell

after we had last weekend with relatives in the Bavarian Pfaffenwinkel invited to a birthday party, it offered us on to continue and a few days at our friends Herrmann and Alexander Hotel Waldheim to spend in the Martell in South Tyrol, Vinschgau, Stelvio National Park (Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio )

Zufrittstausee mit den Cevedale-Spitzen im Hintergrund
 Am Sonntag Nachmittag angekommen, sind wir dann Montag 16.8. nach dem Frühstück mit dem Auto zum Talschluss gefahren. Zum Eingewöhnen hatten wir uns eine kleine Tour vorgenommen.
Vom Parkplatz (2055m ü.NN) sind wir losmarschiert zum Paradiso, auf  Weg Nr.36, Nr.12 und Nr.40 zur Alten Staumauer. Von dort auf Weg Nr.150 hinab zur Zufall-Hütte (Nino Corsi).
Nach Einkehr und Mittagessen in der gemütlichen Hütte weiter auf Weg Nr. 150 zum Parkplatz beim Schönblick.

Dieser kleine Bergsee liegt am Weg Nr. 36 dort wo Weg 12 abzweigt, ganz shows near the ruins of the former luxury hotel Paradiso
click on image to enlarge

the old dam, 2318m above sea level, built in the 1890s, the Plimabach dammed and protected at that time the Martell and the Adige Valley from the floods of melt water of Plimabaches (Rio Plima) in the spring.
Unbelievable how people each then coated these huge boulders, ohne maschinelle Unterstützung


Am Dienstag 17.8. nach dem Frühstück im Waldheim, Abmarsch zum Tagesziel Soyalm.
Vom Gasthof Waldheim geht es zu Fuß ein kurzes Stück auf der Straße talwärts, dann geht Wanderweg Nr 4B rechts ab in den Wald. Zuerst geht es ganz gemütlich auf einem breiten Forstweg berauf. Oberhalb von Cafe Hölderle wird der Weg dann aber für uns "Flachlandtiroler" schon ziemlich steil und sorgt für feuchte Hemden und Tropfen auf der Stirn. Nach Überwinden von 550 Höhenmetern ist dann aber die Almhütte in 2072m üNN erreicht. Wir stärken uns mit einer hervorragenden Speckknödelsuppe und füllen den durch Tropfenbildung und Hemddurchfeuchtung verursachten Flüssigkeitsverlust wieder auf mit Apfelschorle.

so gestärkt gehts dann wieder ganz gut.. wie man sieht

und man fotografiert Landschaft und Leute

Vom Sitzplatz vor der Hütte aus sieht man das Gipfelkreuz  auf der Elferspitze.
2260m hoch - gibt die Wanderkarte Auskunft.
Der von uns befragte Hüttenwirt sagt, dass the rise marked bewätigen to the first part easily, and that the last sections of the trail was secured with steel cables. So we decided on the penalty point rise.

pretty steep
and it convenient but it then seems to not be

the summit cross on the penalty point, and the view to Zufrittspitze Brunn and white lace. The view makes the climb forget

The Mahnkreuz a few meters from the summit cross commemorating the victims of the tsunami disaster in 1987. In a metal box in the Cross there is the summit book


Wednesday, 18.08. we had the level Jöchel (Giogo Piano) 2786m above sea level to the goal. By car to the parking lot at the hotel on the lake.

lead from there the way No.17 and No.30 parallel first time on the south bank of the Zufrittstausees along and then up to 2185 m on the bridge over the Zufrittbach.

as can be seen clearly on the photograph above, missing the bridge a few meters. After heavy rains in August demonstrated here the creek its violence. We were only two alternatives, either repent or to cross on foot over slippery rocks to the creek. With luck, this was no bathroom, although a strong drink cold water splashed over his boot into the inside of my boots and took care of Fußkühlung. Since then, no Goretex equipment helps the shoes more.

Unterwegs immer wieder schöne Aussichten auf die umliegenden Gipfel, hier die Zufallspitzen

und dann wieder, von einer Minute zur anderen, ziehen Wolken auf und verhüllen fast alles

Ein winziges Samenkorn fiel wohl vor vielen Jahren in einen kleinen Felsspalt, keimte und ein kleines Bäumchen begann sein Wachstum. Welche Kraft ein solches kleines Korn innehaben kann zeigt dieser gesprengte Fels

Bei 2400 Höhenmetern trennt sich Weg 30 ab und führt Richtung Nordost über die Schwarze Lacken zum Ebenen Jöchl. Die Schwarzen Lacken sind two small lakes below the levels Jöchl

had reached the summit cross to enjoy we are sure a great view, if not exactly the same time as we, the clouds would reach the top

Before then even more opaque, would we retired after a short break and enjoying a brought apple and a ham roll down the mountains back

To us again auzusetzen the risk involuntarily to take a bath in cold Zufrittbach we have the part snatched away wooden bridge, the detour via Path No. 17A, to the dam and road No.36 taken along the lakeshore


All in all, there were again some wonderful days in Martell We will want to return. Thursday morning we started again on the way home.

5 Months Old Coughing Dry Coigh

four days in Martell

after we had last weekend with relatives in the Bavarian Pfaffenwinkel invited to a birthday party, it offered us on to continue and a few days at our friends Herrmann and Alexander Hotel Waldheim to spend in the Martell in South Tyrol, Vinschgau, Stelvio National Park (Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio )

Zufrittstausee mit den Cevedale-Spitzen im Hintergrund
 Am Sonntag Nachmittag angekommen, sind wir dann Montag 16.8. nach dem Frühstück mit dem Auto zum Talschluss gefahren. Zum Eingewöhnen hatten wir uns eine kleine Tour vorgenommen.
Vom Parkplatz (2055m ü.NN) sind wir losmarschiert zum Paradiso, auf  Weg Nr.36, Nr.12 und Nr.40 zur Alten Staumauer. Von dort auf Weg Nr.150 hinab zur Zufall-Hütte (Nino Corsi).
Nach Einkehr und Mittagessen in der gemütlichen Hütte weiter auf Weg Nr. 150 zum Parkplatz beim Schönblick.

Dieser kleine Bergsee liegt am Weg Nr. 36 dort wo Weg 12 abzweigt, ganz shows near the ruins of the former luxury hotel Paradiso
click on image to enlarge

the old dam, 2318m above sea level, built in the 1890s, the Plimabach dammed and protected at that time the Martell and the Adige Valley from the floods of melt water of Plimabaches (Rio Plima) in the spring.
Unbelievable how people each then coated these huge boulders, ohne maschinelle Unterstützung


Am Dienstag 17.8. nach dem Frühstück im Waldheim, Abmarsch zum Tagesziel Soyalm.
Vom Gasthof Waldheim geht es zu Fuß ein kurzes Stück auf der Straße talwärts, dann geht Wanderweg Nr 4B rechts ab in den Wald. Zuerst geht es ganz gemütlich auf einem breiten Forstweg berauf. Oberhalb von Cafe Hölderle wird der Weg dann aber für uns "Flachlandtiroler" schon ziemlich steil und sorgt für feuchte Hemden und Tropfen auf der Stirn. Nach Überwinden von 550 Höhenmetern ist dann aber die Almhütte in 2072m üNN erreicht. Wir stärken uns mit einer hervorragenden Speckknödelsuppe und füllen den durch Tropfenbildung und Hemddurchfeuchtung verursachten Flüssigkeitsverlust wieder auf mit Apfelschorle.

so gestärkt gehts dann wieder ganz gut.. wie man sieht

und man fotografiert Landschaft und Leute

Vom Sitzplatz vor der Hütte aus sieht man das Gipfelkreuz  auf der Elferspitze.
2260m hoch - gibt die Wanderkarte Auskunft.
Der von uns befragte Hüttenwirt sagt, dass the rise marked bewätigen to the first part easily, and that the last sections of the trail was secured with steel cables. So we decided on the penalty point rise.

pretty steep
and it convenient but it then seems to not be

the summit cross on the penalty point, and the view to Zufrittspitze Brunn and white lace. The view makes the climb forget

The Mahnkreuz a few meters from the summit cross commemorating the victims of the tsunami disaster in 1987. In a metal box in the Cross there is the summit book


Wednesday, 18.08. we had the level Jöchel (Giogo Piano) 2786m above sea level to the goal. By car to the parking lot at the hotel on the lake.

lead from there the way No.17 and No.30 parallel first time on the south bank of the Zufrittstausees along and then up to 2185 m on the bridge over the Zufrittbach.

as can be seen clearly on the photograph above, missing the bridge a few meters. After heavy rains in August demonstrated here the creek its violence. We were only two alternatives, either repent or to cross on foot over slippery rocks to the creek. With luck, this was no bathroom, although a strong drink cold water splashed over his boot into the inside of my boots and took care of Fußkühlung. Since then, no Goretex equipment helps the shoes more.

Unterwegs immer wieder schöne Aussichten auf die umliegenden Gipfel, hier die Zufallspitzen

und dann wieder, von einer Minute zur anderen, ziehen Wolken auf und verhüllen fast alles

Ein winziges Samenkorn fiel wohl vor vielen Jahren in einen kleinen Felsspalt, keimte und ein kleines Bäumchen begann sein Wachstum. Welche Kraft ein solches kleines Korn innehaben kann zeigt dieser gesprengte Fels

Bei 2400 Höhenmetern trennt sich Weg 30 ab und führt Richtung Nordost über die Schwarze Lacken zum Ebenen Jöchl. Die Schwarzen Lacken sind two small lakes below the levels Jöchl

had reached the summit cross to enjoy we are sure a great view, if not exactly the same time as we, the clouds would reach the top

Before then even more opaque, would we retired after a short break and enjoying a brought apple and a ham roll down the mountains back

To us again auzusetzen the risk involuntarily to take a bath in cold Zufrittbach we have the part snatched away wooden bridge, the detour via Path No. 17A, to the dam and road No.36 taken along the lakeshore


All in all, there were again some wonderful days in Martell We will want to return. Thursday morning we started again on the way home.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fish Oil And Maca Oil

again a few flowers from our garden

All three of the plant family Asteraceae

first one Echinacea. The name is from the Greek "Echinos" derived, meaning hedgehog. Is not this a very appropriate naming for this sting head?

click on the pictures enlarges them

daisy flowers in the morning raking light

and a Kapkörbchen in bloom, and winding of each Röhrenblütchen.Ursprünglich it comes from South Africa, hence the name Kapkörbchen

Fish Oil And Maca Oil

again a few flowers from our garden

All three of the plant family Asteraceae

first one Echinacea. The name is from the Greek "Echinos" derived, meaning hedgehog. Is not this a very appropriate naming for this sting head?

click on the pictures enlarges them

daisy flowers in the morning raking light

and a Kapkörbchen in bloom, and winding of each Röhrenblütchen.Ursprünglich it comes from South Africa, hence the name Kapkörbchen