The move brings the family life of a puppy usually a little confused. But the first few weeks are first made, and you have "worked" so correctly in Hundemetier, everything is easier.
preparation at home.
You have to think about what could be in the house for the little dangerous!. A puppy is like a small child, he does everything in the snout. Small items such as children's toys or pins can be a danger. Exactly wie Elektrokabel und Putzmittel, müssen Sie unereichbar aufbewart werden.
Der Garten muss mit einem stabilen Zaun eingefriedet sein. Alle benutzten chemischen Mittel müssen beseitigt sein.
Was alles benötigt Ihr neuer Hausgenosse?:
Neben dem regelmässigen Auslauf braucht er auch eine gewisse Bewegungsfreiheit in der Wohnung. Auserdem wird ein fester Schlafplatz benötigt.

tip: Während des Schlafes sollte der kleine Dobi von niemandem be disturbed. Puppies whose sleep phases are interrupted, hectic and uncertain.

you want to prevent your puppy not take away clothes, Automatic gearbox, shoes and toys for the children? Then you ask him his own toys. The important thing is it should not be too large or too heavy, but not too small to be verschlückt can not.
A collar and a leash are also standard equipment of your dog. Both must match the size of the dog and be of a tear-resistant fabric. A Kettenhhalsband facilitated, by the way, on the controls of the

Also for your car when you drive a station wagon, you need a special seat belt for Dogs now. Since, generally, should the dog be secured in the car. If you have a station wagon, the dog sits at the top in the rear, separated by a network or grid.
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