Monday, September 7, 2009

Do Polish Have Bigger Breasts

Quick and the shadow ...

Since a few decades ago, so to speak, we entered into the electronic age, are all much faster. Instead post e-mails are sent. Brochures as PDF's are sent, letters and offers to scan. And thanks to wireless service is accessible anywhere in the world. And thanks to Facebook, Myspace and Twitter, you can even tell all. That is certainly nothing new.

The growth rates of the blog writers were a few years ago breathtaking - almost hair-raising. It was spoken by thousands of percentage growth rates, there were still hundreds predicted. That every Swiss soon own blog will write. The fact that the growing social networks like spider webs all over the world. It was predicted the demise of the media, as the bloggers, the news play itself, the fall of the heel Hens, as there were Youtube and the demise of radio and record companies, thanks to Myspace.

The forecasts are now quite a few years ago. And we're still alive. And the "old media" is still. But now we get more bad news. The sinking of the "new media" - such as Facebook ... here. So now not only old but also the new media are doomed. But if you're thinking that I care little, for I log off - ha, that brings! nothing! For Facebook used your data if you deleted your account ... here. Item 2, paragraph 2 - And who's wants to know exactly who reads Conditions And also quite interesting, the 1st to the terms and conditions at point 2, paragraph


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