past Sunday I had arranged with our photographer Thomas-snack on the dog track in Oberhausen. Mr Thomas has already gained plenty of experience with photography by galloping dogs.
He always says, if it work out in Oberhausen the dogs on the track for him training day, with camera and telephoto lens. for me on Sunday was the very first attempt. The difficulty of these subjects - the greyhound racing with nearly 50km / h on it - I was relatively happy with my results. I say relatively because until the levels of photographic Thomas is still a huge distance. Nevertheless I want to set some times my first films, may have fallen sie dem einen oder anderen.
Die Windhunde waren die schnellsten unter den Konkurrenten

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das ist doch fast schon ein Flughund. Man beachte den Abstand zu seinem Schatten am Boden

then came a lap with Afghans

are a lot slower, but I find them but somehow aesthetic with their long hair and ears flying
Just like that, just because mistress or master says that, of course, none of the dogs ran from the lungs the neck.
Rather, we are provide a target. And this goal is the so-called rabbit dar. The hare, which is a piece of fake fur, drenched with something tempting smelling, it's worth it to pursue.
This "Bunny" is out on a rope, pulled around the oval track.
that violates none of the dogs when he unexpectedly the "rabbit" caught, has the line between the rod and the "rabbit" almost a breaking point.
And what happens if this breaks breaking point, you see in the picture below.

die Meute stürzt sich darauf und reißt und zerrt. Das ist auch der Grund, warum die alle einen Beißkorb tragen. Im Eifer des Gefechtes könnte ja doch einer den Konkurrenten verletzen.
Leider konnte ich nicht den ganzen Tag bleiben, aber ganz bestimmt war das nicht mein letzter Besuch in Oberhausen. Fortsetzung folgt
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