Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pilladas En La Calle 2010 Gratis

young at family Mute swan

On Lingenfelder Altrhein already leads the second set of parents from his boys. It is obvious to the brood, which one had to worry about, after the last high Rhine water level, I wrote it in the mail " bird hunting on 19 May

The Small right ever tried the mobility of its Stummelflügelchen.
Until it will take to the air but it still take a few days

another pulls quite nicely, the flap on, for his age

and Papa Swan swell with pride the chest

Pilladas En La Calle 2010 Gratis

young at family Mute swan

On Lingenfelder Altrhein already leads the second set of parents from his boys. It is obvious to the brood, which one had to worry about, after the last high Rhine water level, I wrote it in the mail " bird hunting on 19 May

The Small right ever tried the mobility of its Stummelflügelchen.
Until it will take to the air but it still take a few days

another pulls quite nicely, the flap on, for his age

and Papa Swan swell with pride the chest

Monday, May 24, 2010

Marriage Congratulations In Spanish

was again in Oberhausen, at the dog track

with two photographer friends I yesterday afternoon again spent at the dog track in Oberhausen.

on Saturday was training day only, no racing. Therefore, most runners this time without the "shirt" on the way

beginning we had a recording-optimal location, directly on the web without annoying fence. Some participants, those with no racing experience, but could be distracted from our photographers sometimes have this "connection" to the rope-drawn "hands" and were then completely lost of motivation on the track. That was the reason why the organizers asked us to take a different place, behind the fence, we had to realize, of course.
But also the location of the fence behind some photos gelungen, wenn auch nicht mehr in Augenhöhe der Hunde fotografiert, sondern etwas von oben. Tierfotos sind am eindrucksvollsten, wenn man mit der Kamera sich auf Augenhöhe befindet

für mich immer wieder schön anzuschauen, mit welcher Begeisterung die Hunde alles geben in einem solchen Rennen oder Training.Angeborener Jagdtrieb eben

has here somehow reminds me of a bull, with his brawny shoulders and the black and white fur

near the racetrack in a tree a stork family their home. The parent storks fly over and over again the site were, from the hype in any way interfere

einmal Fönwelle, bitte
Ein Afghane, der hier aber sicher friedlich und ohne Verbindung zu den Taliban.

Auf dem Nachhauseweg am Abend haben wir noch einen kurzen Halt eingelegt am Storchennest bei Philippsburg, alle munter und die Kleinen scheinen seit vergangener Woche schon wieder ein Stückchen größer zu sein

Marriage Congratulations In Spanish

was again in Oberhausen, at the dog track

with two photographer friends I yesterday afternoon again spent at the dog track in Oberhausen.

on Saturday was training day only, no racing. Therefore, most runners this time without the "shirt" on the way

beginning we had a recording-optimal location, directly on the web without annoying fence. Some participants, those with no racing experience, but could be distracted from our photographers sometimes have this "connection" to the rope-drawn "hands" and were then completely lost of motivation on the track. That was the reason why the organizers asked us to take a different place, behind the fence, we had to realize, of course.
But also the location of the fence behind some photos gelungen, wenn auch nicht mehr in Augenhöhe der Hunde fotografiert, sondern etwas von oben. Tierfotos sind am eindrucksvollsten, wenn man mit der Kamera sich auf Augenhöhe befindet

für mich immer wieder schön anzuschauen, mit welcher Begeisterung die Hunde alles geben in einem solchen Rennen oder Training.Angeborener Jagdtrieb eben

has here somehow reminds me of a bull, with his brawny shoulders and the black and white fur

near the racetrack in a tree a stork family their home. The parent storks fly over and over again the site were, from the hype in any way interfere

einmal Fönwelle, bitte
Ein Afghane, der hier aber sicher friedlich und ohne Verbindung zu den Taliban.

Auf dem Nachhauseweg am Abend haben wir noch einen kurzen Halt eingelegt am Storchennest bei Philippsburg, alle munter und die Kleinen scheinen seit vergangener Woche schon wieder ein Stückchen größer zu sein

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blonde Hair And Lowlights

bird hunting

gestern habe ich mich auf die Jagd begeben. Nein, nicht mit der Flinte natürlich, nur mit der Kamera bewaffnet. 
First on the Old Rhine Lingenfelder, where else should, by my love for his native Palatinate climes.
family Mute Swan (Cygnus olor ) was awake for a few days coming
, the kids and mom makes sure that no one comes too close.

At the second nest in this Altrheinarm is still brooding. Hopefully with success. Last Saturday of the Rhine resulted in good taste water. At the level Maxau a high water mark was exceeded. The nest was deep concern at the water table, both parents were working hard on patching.

Mr. Grey Heron ( Ardea cinerea ) sieht aus, als wollte er fragen: "Was guckst Du?"
Zur Zeit begegnet man hier einem seltenen Gast und rasanten Flugakrobaten, dem Baumfalken   
 ( Falco subbuteo ) kaum zu verfolgen mit dem Tele, wenn er in ein paar Metern Entfernung am Boot verbei rast

at waters edge at the time of flowering hawthorn (Crataegus ), perhaps smells a little strict, but it is beautifully

headed gulls (Larus ridibundus ) are tirelessly, often narrowly above the water surface
characteristic is the black-brown head, with a very sharp dividing line to the body. The darkness holds until about July. Later, in the simple dress she disappears, then there remain a few black patches around the eyes and ears.

The Egyptian Goose ( Alopochen aegyptiacus floats) for a landing, or rather to splashdown. Both feet forward and head and neck stretched quite far, tiring I tell you.
"touch down"

now dive into the water gently with the rump and wings quite high, so not everything has to be soaking wet, right?

and then calmly sit back, is still sometimes went well.

So schön sieht es aus bei uns am Rhein. Macht das nicht Lust, mal nach Germersheim zu kommen und mit dem Boot bzw. Elektronachen mitzufahren? Die Damen von der Tourist-Info freuen sich auf Ihren Anruf und ich freue mich, wenn Sie mich als Bootsführer buchen

  Herr Stockente zieht gemächlich seine Bahn
  und wendet sich beleidigt ab, weil es kein Futter gibt

Wir sind an dem Nachmittag noch über die Rheinbrücke gefahren auf die badische Rheinseite. There I had seen at Phillipsburg recently a stork on its nest. Let's see if the breeding business was successful.

As you can see, three times successfully hatched
why but the little boy to me to greet and waving his backside shows? I will's views on education were not yet back, is perhaps still