past Saturday I had the opportunity to take photos with a few photographer friends from our Nikon Photography Forum Stammtisch in the Germersheim Fortress. For approval, I say thanks to Mr. Carsten Cambensi, the head of the tourism offices in Germersheim.
a first look into the casemates of the fort under the white gatehouse Burger
enough to enlarge, just click on the photos

this wagon is in the vault only found until his next assignment.
Until then, there are only a few days. On 5/13/2010 he is at it again with the tour of "market women"
at this very popular event anyone can participate, simply on 13/05/2010 morning at 11 clock arrive at the White Tor in Germersheim, the parking is in the August -Boar Street.

Do not worry, it's not haunting the castle vaults. The ghostly appearance of the photographers who only comes about through long exposure times in the not very well lit casemates

ring around the city once drew this response before being blown up as a result of the Versailles Treaty, large parts of the fort had to 1921/1922 .
If had to be occupied in the siege case, all the defensive positions as planned, it took for the entire city walls 5000 soldiers

The power of the city-side entrance to the White Burger gatehouse evidence of the former defensive capability of the system

within the fortress of course there was also a headquarters. The following photo of the walkway is to be seen in the building. The ribbing of the paving slabs on the left side was once Duch consistently across the entire width of the road.
that now on the right side of the road towards the rippling out of sight is located on the circumstance that had to patrol around the clock, a soldier in front of the building and has gone with his boots the stones really flat

the guard in front of the headquarters was also the only one who was allowed to smoke while on duty, at least theoretically, can sell with smoke, the Aedes vexans, on well-Palatinate "schnook" or non-Palatinate to "mosquitoes"
The Anopheles mosquito to transmit malaria to their property was then, in the 19th century in the Rhine valley is a major problem
access to a Miniergang the Fronte Beckers

The White Burger gate of the outer side, with grave military and the bridge over it. The last third of the access was trained as a fortress times drawbridge. The powerful roles on the tension cables were out in the gatehouse you can see.

and again the grave with military gatehouse. In this photo you can see the loopholes and gun ports, behind which the casemates from the photos above are

was at this point of grave military at the time of the Second World War, the place of execution of the criminal Battalion 999, which is also in the garrison Germersheim was housed.
One can still clearly see the marks of bullet impacts in the wall. That are so high above the ground, because the military grave was then filled in part with the explosive debris from the destruction of the fortress in 1921 and 1922

Das wohl prominenteste Opfer der Naziwillkür, das hier in Germersheim ermordet wurde war Hans Graf von Sponeck, ein Generalleutnant der deutschen Wehrmacht.
Im Dezember 1941 hatte er als Kommandeur der 46. Infanteriedivision den Rückzug von Kertsch auf der Halbinsel Krim angeordnet und damit tausende deutsche Soldaten vor einer vielfachen sowjetischen Übermacht gerettet.
Nachdem wichtige Entlastungszeugenaussagen nicht zugelassen wurden, wurde er am 23. Januar 1942 von einem Kriegsgericht unter Vorsitz Görings wegen "fahrlässigen Ungehorsams im Felde" zum Tode verurteilt.
Das Todesurteil wurde von Hitler in 6 Jahre Festungshaft umgewandelt. Die Festungshaft verbrachte von Sponeck in Germersheim.
In connection with the Hitler assassination attempt in July 1944, Graf von Sponeck, although unbeteilgt evidence in the assassination attempt on 23 July 1944 on the orders of Himmler shot
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