Friday, June 25, 2010

Debra's Robe In Everybody Loves Raymond

breeding business is still in progress (Alopochen aegyptiacus)

had earlier in the week I saw for the first time, the Egyptian geese with their followers, six newly hatched chicks. Yesterday, I then brought the camera into the water and hoped that the young family again shows. I was lucky.

led by the father, the boy neatly arranged in two series

the only gender differential in this species, the male is slightly larger

that but here again I do not give the impression it would take care of only one parent to the rearing, the photo here with Papa and Mama

Debra's Robe In Everybody Loves Raymond

breeding business is still in progress (Alopochen aegyptiacus)

had earlier in the week I saw for the first time, the Egyptian geese with their followers, six newly hatched chicks. Yesterday, I then brought the camera into the water and hoped that the young family again shows. I was lucky.

led by the father, the boy neatly arranged in two series

the only gender differential in this species, the male is slightly larger

that but here again I do not give the impression it would take care of only one parent to the rearing, the photo here with Papa and Mama

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Calendula Cream For Dry Lips

blooms in June Garden

leaves when the late spring bloom the first summer flowers, I have noted during their stay in our garden every wish these magnificent creatures to keep them from fading, and would like to show everyone.
It's just a feeling of happiness, and it passes all too quickly. Perhaps it is only this transience that causes so lucky. If we could see the beauty and perfection every day, they would surely degenerate into ordinary.
As it is, I can be happy again for a return next year.
Although images may not reflect the perfect beauty, with its delicacy, its sweet fragrance will I trotzdem versuchen Euch mit Fotografien zu vermitteln, was ich empfinde.

hier, als erstes eine Sibirische Schwertlilie, vollkommene Symmetrie

als nächste die Staubgefäße einer Waldrebe, mancher kennt sie auch unter dem Namen Clematis

hier noch mal Details, diesmal das Innere einer Storchschnabelblüte
und die vollständige Blüte

eine königliche Schönheit, die Lilie führten die Französischen Kings in their arms. It is valid in the heraldry as a symbol of purity and innocence and is a symbol of the Holy Mary
The following photo is a bearded iris
from below against the sky photographed

with dew in the morning sun in the two following

and swamp iris , it grows in the vicinity of our garden pond

und noch eine Königin, gepflückt vom Kletterrosenstrauch bei der Garage

vielleicht kann manch eine(r) nachvollziehen was mich bewegt diese Fotos zu zeigen oder hat sogar schon ähnliches erlebt

Calendula Cream For Dry Lips

blooms in June Garden

leaves when the late spring bloom the first summer flowers, I have noted during their stay in our garden every wish these magnificent creatures to keep them from fading, and would like to show everyone.
It's just a feeling of happiness, and it passes all too quickly. Perhaps it is only this transience that causes so lucky. If we could see the beauty and perfection every day, they would surely degenerate into ordinary.
As it is, I can be happy again for a return next year.
Although images may not reflect the perfect beauty, with its delicacy, its sweet fragrance will I trotzdem versuchen Euch mit Fotografien zu vermitteln, was ich empfinde.

hier, als erstes eine Sibirische Schwertlilie, vollkommene Symmetrie

als nächste die Staubgefäße einer Waldrebe, mancher kennt sie auch unter dem Namen Clematis

hier noch mal Details, diesmal das Innere einer Storchschnabelblüte
und die vollständige Blüte

eine königliche Schönheit, die Lilie führten die Französischen Kings in their arms. It is valid in the heraldry as a symbol of purity and innocence and is a symbol of the Holy Mary
The following photo is a bearded iris
from below against the sky photographed

with dew in the morning sun in the two following

and swamp iris , it grows in the vicinity of our garden pond

und noch eine Königin, gepflückt vom Kletterrosenstrauch bei der Garage

vielleicht kann manch eine(r) nachvollziehen was mich bewegt diese Fotos zu zeigen oder hat sogar schon ähnliches erlebt

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Brhammi, Amla Shkaakaee

more children

die Blesshühner (Fulica atra) sind seit ein paar Tagen auch mehr geworden
die Elterntiere sind ständig am Tauchen, um Pflanzenteile vom Boden abzupflücken und ihren Jungen zu füttern. Wenn man's nicht weiß, würde they asked the three most difficult to assign a family
a neighbor tell me recently when he saw the photos of the child, whether the bear because the national colors of black, red and gold. Already see funny with their red almost bare scalp and the golden threads turn

Mama Mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ) is also involved with the junior

let me in your warm springs, the boy seems to beg, and disappears and immediately afterwards under Mamas wings

and still is a weasel (Mustela nivalis) run across, the smallest European carnivore weasel really quick. This specimen was estimated at almost 12 cm long
why the other dogs or dragging with it is beyond my knowledge. Whether it is probably this is also the mother and offspring?

Another robber in nearby waters, otters (Lutra lutra)

Brhammi, Amla Shkaakaee

more children

die Blesshühner (Fulica atra) sind seit ein paar Tagen auch mehr geworden
die Elterntiere sind ständig am Tauchen, um Pflanzenteile vom Boden abzupflücken und ihren Jungen zu füttern. Wenn man's nicht weiß, würde they asked the three most difficult to assign a family
a neighbor tell me recently when he saw the photos of the child, whether the bear because the national colors of black, red and gold. Already see funny with their red almost bare scalp and the golden threads turn

Mama Mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ) is also involved with the junior

let me in your warm springs, the boy seems to beg, and disappears and immediately afterwards under Mamas wings

and still is a weasel (Mustela nivalis) run across, the smallest European carnivore weasel really quick. This specimen was estimated at almost 12 cm long
why the other dogs or dragging with it is beyond my knowledge. Whether it is probably this is also the mother and offspring?

Another robber in nearby waters, otters (Lutra lutra)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Spannk Me Over Her Knee

animal in the forest of the stag beetle (Lucanus cervus )

The stag beetle, Lucanus Cervus is in the nature reserve "Lingenfelder Black Forest" a beetle home, which is in the red list of threatened species at risk as much out.
Who has the best of luck, which can now meet this season on a hike through the hardwood floodplain forest in Lingenfeld such a fine specimen. For its survival takes the stag beetle old oak forests. He lays her eggs to a depth of 75 cm in the soil, preferably from under old oaks wore down. However, lime, beech, poplar, alder or willow is accepted if necessary.
feed the larvae from the dead tree roots need for their development, 3-5, sometimes up to 8 years and during that time to 11 cm. The ancient Romans ate the larvae as a delicacy.
The adult beetle lives only up to a month. The antlers bear only the male animals and it was transformed from the upper mandibles, a part of the masticatory apparatus of the animals. These upper, transformed mandibles missing as part of the nipping tools, and the is the reason that the males exclusively on plant sap, which they lick reached easily can. The females will help them by increasing their nipping tools with the wounds on oak bark, that the juice comes out.

"It's like us humans, what would we do without our women only"

With a length of up to 75 mm, the stag beetle one of the largest beetle species in Europe and it is airworthy.
main flight period is between late May and late July
a click on the pictures enlarges them

the white "strings" on the body of the beetle, are here in the photos from the time here flying through the air everywhere poplar seeds. Such is

old giant oak here in protected areas, and the forester can also old dying oak lie. This is exactly the habitat needed by the stag beetle

how it looks here, in the NSG, as in the jungle. Softwood and hardwood riparian forest floodplains in constant change.

A slightly longer than a few feet higher position ensures that the water is less Altrhein long flooded the floor and there is a very different woodland community, namely, the hardwood lumber. Unlike the more common
flooded area, the softwood lumber. The trees consist of softwood lumber for the most part made of poplar and willow, which can live with it, to stand up to 300 days in the water.
The hardwood floodplain forest in turn is dominated by the oak, which it takes its name. But there are other trees like Sample maple, ash, locust and elm trees.

here, the sunlight flooded leaves of the maple

to almost the same height as the water table, typical softwood lumber with the slim, hochaufwachsenden poplar in the picture beyond the water and pastures on the shores and in the right foreground

course there is also a herb layer in forests of the stag beetle. Flower here at the time the beautiful swamp iris
A celebrity lives here in the NSG, the mother of countless Nutzholzpappel-descendants in the world.
Populus x euramericana 'Lingenfeld'
