die Blesshühner (Fulica atra) sind seit ein paar Tagen auch mehr geworden
die Elterntiere sind ständig am Tauchen, um Pflanzenteile vom Boden abzupflücken und ihren Jungen zu füttern. Wenn man's nicht weiß, würde they asked the three most difficult to assign a family
a neighbor tell me recently when he saw the photos of the child, whether the bear because the national colors of black, red and gold. Already see funny with their red almost bare scalp and the golden threads turn
Mama Mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ) is also involved with the junior
let me in your warm springs, the boy seems to beg, and disappears and immediately afterwards under Mamas wings
and still is a weasel (Mustela nivalis) run across, the smallest European carnivore weasel really quick. This specimen was estimated at almost 12 cm long
why the other dogs or dragging with it is beyond my knowledge. Whether it is probably this is also the mother and offspring?
Another robber in nearby waters, otters (Lutra lutra)
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