Thursday, July 16, 2009

Creative Titles Bulimia

Web 2.0 now as the voice

it starts at. The applications in the Web 2.0 have become so easy that any computer user can be used without much programming knowledge. And so they gain the necessary attention to date - though not necessarily the desired quality. For example, is now available at "Top-Rated on Youtube" a contribution, which rails against the intervention of Warner Music Group on YouTube . And the Migros feels the interactive age: Alumni an anti-MGB-platform plan. But here the person in charge of media relations was faster than the web developer. Because the platform is far and wide to find anything yet. And another example: The Consumer Protection rumbles against the improper use of the Swiss cross on Produkten. Auch hier sind die Konsumenten zur Mithilfe aufgefordert - aber "nur" per E-Mail. Eigentlich fehlen hier noch Blog, Facebook-Gruppe und Youtube-Beitrag. Bei Erich Hess muss man sich sogar bei Verdacht auf Sozialmissbrauch noch telefonisch melden. Wie das genau geht, erklärt er jedoch auch auf Youtube und Internet .

Trotz des Hypes um das Web2.0. Das "Sprachrohr" Web 2.0 funktioniert heute ohne die "alten" Medien (noch) nicht. Erst wenn das Thema auch von Zeitungen, Fernsehen oder Radio aufgenommen wird, kommt Bewegung in die Angelegenheit. Doch für die betroffenen Organisationen ist es dann schon zu spät, wirkungsvoll etwas dagegen zu unternehmen. Denn dann haben sich die Interessengruppen already virtually united and active. And that's the difference. In the pre-Web2.0-time media reports have led to an emergence of a movement. At that time, companies could still provide some countermeasures. Not any more. Because the momentum is already there, the media reports do not reveal everything, but bring more attention

for companies (and not just for large), it is therefore essential to monitor the development of the Internet closely. But it does not (necessarily) the sophisticated and expensive systems. But it needs someone who on a daily basis with a short time to read the most important pages on the Internet and to anticipate possible developments.


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