Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Alabama Helmetnumbers



LIEBFRAUENKIRCHE 28.09.2008 18.30 Uhr

Der süße Klang der Stimme des Muezzins, vom Minarett der Dorfmoschee, weckt mich sanft aus meinem Schlaf.

Nach einigen Minuten läutet auch die Glocke der Dorfkirche.

Outside in the courtyard there is already lively movement.

Tomorrow is Easter, and the sheep are ready for slaughter.

They are slaughtered in the name of God. They symbolize the sacrifice that Jesus Christ has provided for us, our exodus from Hades, and our entrance into the kingdom of God.

for the great feast the whole family has gathered from all corners of the earth in his home village of my father. We are from Germany, family from Australia, from America, my cousins \u200b\u200bfrom Athens, Thessaloniki and Constantinople. A total of 48 persons in a House.

Tomorrow is Kurban Bayram, the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice.

My Grandpa has been preparing a sheep for our neighboring Ugur. He is over 80 and can barely move. His children and grandchildren are also in Germany and not come to the party. Ugur for a lamb for his Muslim party is slaughtered in the name of Allah.

My uncle will take Ugur later to the mosque for noon prayers. He does this every day, for he has promised Ugur children. The village of my father on the north-eastern corner of Greece is a mixed village. For centuries, Christians and Muslims peacefully together in this region. How many times was our village in the middle of fighting. War, which left only grief and pain. In the village you can hardly distinguish Muslims from Christians, because all women wear a headscarf, they all speak Turkish, and all breathe the same air of mutual love.

And yet, the only fear which nests deep in the hearts of all the villagers, is that Christians and Muslims do not marry each other.

I feel like a stranger in the village of my father. I only speak Swabian and broken Greek. A few Turkish words come out of my mouth that have taught me and my friends Attila Arzu in Germany.

yesterday in church the pastor or another, all foreign languages \u200b\u200bspoken, ancient Greek. I'm confused.

I think back to Germany, to my village in the depths of Swabia. For several years the village has people from all corners of the world. Different cultures, religions and languages \u200b\u200btry to find the common path through life. Just one thing, there is not in the village: German Catholics. How often do I have my days Swabian mother who rears me so lovingly, seen weeping because wants her son to marry an American Catholic Baden origin. I miss my friends and Ralf Matthias, Juro and Lucio, Carla and Ramona. I miss the village evangelical pastor and children's services in the Protestant church. I miss the noodles and the meat fritters.

I'm looking forward to returning. I feel better already.

This is one of the many stories you can tell a migrant child. Two paradigms, respectful and peaceful coexistence.

The first example comes from a long-rooted experience of living together, grew together over the centuries in the Ottoman Empire.

The second example comes from a limited industrial motley purpose community that still looks back on his own wounds of the last war. A harmonious coexistence in objective terms, of the migrant children, however, perceived very differently.

How many times have we attached different designations. Guest workers, foreigners, other races, German, migrants, refugees. How often we have been bombarded from all sides with senseless prejudice. "German Alcoholics, "" Turks and Greeks stink of garlic "," Jugos robbers, "" Italians are mafiosi ". Where we have noticed no difference in the children's playground or in school. But we are so often ashamed of our identity, we feel guilty for what we were. We lived between two worlds, such as schizophrenia. Our parents, simple people who only work in the head, could not help us. They have sent us into the world with a house key around his neck. The government, overwhelmed if the multicultural reality was not prepared for the challenge, maybe he also wanted the not be.

Yes we were, we are and we will long remain different.

Suddenly, everyone woke up. The game with the evil and the good alien has begun. Mistrust has grown. Prejudices got a different quality. Hatred is sown. And more and more comes into play religion. The state has recognized that parallel societies existed. The headscarf is a political issue now and I often feel after 11 September discriminated against because of my looks. All speak of integration, each of us has a different idea of \u200b\u200bintegration, he is trying to enforce.

Dear brothers and sisters, we all yearn for love, affection, security, peace. Unfortunately, it is in the post-modern, Western society is very difficult to satisfy these desires.

Man is separated from his roots, his hometown, his home, family, social ties and tied to an imaginary, by the relentless media, active movement in time. Even the goals he sets are moving targets. You see only the pace, with the priorities political, economic and social life will be changed.

Man is directed and he uses more and more ready-made targets. He is controlled.

Dear brothers and sisters, terms such as nation, nationalism, racism, fear, fundamentalism evidence to the fallen Adam. But God made man for love, to raise the fallen Adam, in order to unite in His unspeakable love with Him. God became man in order to remain in communion with the creature. That is the goal of every individual: the community to God.

behalf of the church, in the preparation of this eschatological community in the history of humanity finds its meaning is the union of all peoples through the elimination of all injustice.

Babel and Pentecost are our examples of confusion and unity.

we live in our churches in the spirit of Babylon, or blowing the spirit of Pentecost? Each of us Christians seem to believe that it causes its own or only his own church, the work of redemption. We forget here the word of the Apostle Paul, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God has grow "(1 Cor. 3:6). In the ecumenical movement, we experience a ghetto. Each church has its own culture, their codes, their traditions and dogmas that seem absolute and inflexible. We share in any theological dialogue hair into three parts, but have little desire us to know. We work ecumenically in the belief that our Church, our ghetto, which represents absolute truth and is the right way. We have little understanding of being different.

Yet it is this different to be the most important element for peaceful coexistence. This makes us to be different, each of us to something special.

the ghetto goes on and off even while members of the same church. Fighting in the ranks between good and bad Christians, just and unjust, strong and weak, liberal and conservative traditionalists and reformers, enlightened and the blind. Ultimately, the picture that we Christians give to the outside, a picture of confusion and the ultimate goal, common witness to Christ is often missed. We talk a lot about many things, but where we are sure that we proclaim the word and not just simple words? The criterion is whether our word is imbued with the life and works of love is fertilized.

The Church and I am not aware of the church-act called with the new reality that is our society come to terms, to her again the eternal einzufleischen word of God.

This work can be accomplished only with sorrow, pain, commitment, genuine interest and self-sacrificing love for the modern man. All that any result below Agony, pain, sacrifice and true love is crucified, is not up to today's realities.

Als Christen leben wir in der Begegnung mit dem Auferstandenen.

Kein Mensch kann aber dem Auferstandenen begegnen, wenn er nicht zuerst dem Menschen selbst begegnet. Nächstenliebe ist erforderlich in der Begegnung mit Gott. „Niemand hat Gott je gesehen, aber wenn wir einander lieben, lebt Gott in uns. Dann hat seine Liebe bei uns ihr Ziel erreicht.

Gott ist Liebe. Wer in der Liebe lebt, der lebt in Gott, und Gott lebt in ihm. Die Liebe kennt keine Angst. Wenn einer behauptet: Ich liebe Gott, und dabei seinen Bruder hasst, dann lügt er. Christus gab uns dieses Gebot: Wer Gott liebt, der muss auch seinen Bruder lieben.“ (1 Jn. 4,12,16,18,20,21) "You should love one another" (John 15:17). Everyone who loves God can not live without the endless love of neighbor. It is a love of one's own ego. Anyone wishing to participate in the divine love, must love to share with your neighbor. The more we come closer to us, the more we come closer to God. The Holy Dorotheos call us the following example.

"Imagine a circle in front. The circle represents the world is and the center of the circle is God.

is a number of lines from the periphery to the center.

The lines are the paths of life, the people go.

In their desire to come closer to God, they aim at the center.

The more they go, the more they approach each other. The closer they come to know God, they come closer to the people. This is the nature of love: The more we unite, the greater is our agreement with God. "

We have just heard Jesus Christ : I am the vine, ye are the branches. Who lives in me, as I in him, which brings much fruit.

He is the being and we us to prove bear much fruit, to live in it. Fruit of love will bring us to. In the Orthodox Church, we bring in every service to pray for the fruits. Offerings of charity. And who is my neighbor? Where should I look for him? Seek Him first in-house. Our neighbor is not just the homeless who ask for our pity, but our parents, spouses, partners, children, neighbors who call for love. Love in words and deeds. We are part of a pluralistic society and we often forget the inestimable value of the next person.

this I mean that the person, the individual, not as self-determination or self-thinking object is defined, but as an identity that ELATIONSHIP a B others a P erson, from a relationship to its environment arises.

is a model of the person this characteristic of God is God himself his ecstasy. God as love, as Eros goes out of itself, and realized in an act of love he a relationship with the person, to the people who allowed the latter to be at liberty, allowed him to be different.

God's love is based on the unique value of each person and respect his freedom.

in society is usually defined freedom as the individual's ability to set their own limits, self-determining.

In the Christian faith, however, the person experiences freedom as the ability to come out of themselves to enter into communion with others and thus one's own ego, his own difference, by communion, by the relationship to discover another person.

Through a relationship with the other, the Unlike the Verschiedensein and respected as a person will be confirmed, one is as respected as a person. St. Maximus the Confessor, the emphasizes division, separation and difference are different. Diversity is not sacred division. In a community of people who can not get the "Solon", the whole thing to come before a person can not live without the whole person. The community forms a unity that respects the relationship through a free people, not just diversity, but also emphasizes the absolute uniqueness of each person.

can love without freedom and freedom can not exist without love. The love of God to man is an free, autonomous love, without coercion and exclusion. If God loves us all in freedom, and has commanded us to love one another, why we do not follow it? If God lets us share in his divine love, despite our differences, why do we allow our fellow human beings, our neighbors, our fellow citizens are not part of our community?

Dear brothers and sisters, let us put together evidence of love. Let us meet in mutual respect and peace in the Risen Lord. Let our vision for a peaceful world, which should be uniform and the same and different can not lose sight of. The World may change for the better. In a song called "Kemal" says poet Chatzidakis full of pain, "Good night Kemal! Times have not changed. With fire and sword always goes the world. "

I think all of us is called upon either to put up there a point or to go further. "Good morning, Kemal! A world that can not be changed, is a world that not even the Mourning of value!

Christos Anesti! Christ is risen! "


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