visit VIKZ - mosque Kriegkstrasse. 01/05/2009
Dear brothers and sisters, the
at 01 April 2009 established the Council of Religions - Frankfurt, and the Association of Islamic Cultural Centres belongs, is a promising supporting bridge builder who wants to be an overarching religious institution, but would like an inclusive, conflict-depleting, role in social and community life play this city. A concentration of believing people in peace and aims to promote mutual respect, the living together and cooperation of the citizens of this city. A first step is learning about the "other". That is the purpose my visit here today with you, which is actually the first official visit to a mosque in my new capacity as Chairman of the Council of Religions.
It gives me great pleasure and honor today to attend the Friday prayer and these words may be sent to you. I sincerely thank our Council member Mr. Yusuf Colak for this invitation. As guest workers
child I appreciate how important it is for us migrants to experience religion, culture and tradition of our ancestors in the stranger can. Let me give my thanks to the first generation of guest workers sent that with effort and sacrifice allows us. Faith, tradition and family are not post-modern values, but modern and postmodern values of the present and the future. And the future belongs to our youth. Our children and grandchildren.
as a Greek, a member of the Turkic-speaking tribe of the Gagauz, I was in my father's village in Bati Trakya (Thrace West), which experienced for centuries, peaceful, away from any nationalistic and political propaganda, the coexistence of Christians and Muslims. I have learned as a child Muslims as a simple, peaceful people who respect their neighbors and really love it and for daily bread to fight.
As an Orthodox Christian, I know, that led the events of history, Orthodox and Muslim peoples for centuries in the neighborhood and symbiotic coexistence. The last meeting at 7
Century. The memories of the past include naturally pain, but also in positive on both sides. Thank God, our recent history has led to Germany to live in peace together. Islam is also in this country less of the distant "other", but the neighbor and fellow travelers. Europe is no longer a closed, Christian "club", but multicultural, multi-religious, political fact / reality.
The knowledge of Islam has to understand and respect the "other" way, and in this sense, the RDR does its job. It is our duty to overcome the bad experiences of the past to build a good future. This of course requires honest and reasonable dialogue, far from any defensive and apologetic syndromes. We face the question: How can we heal wounds of the past, pick up fears of the presence and shape our life together for the blessing of God, which serves the common good? How can we work together in the future?
Let us focus on issues that we deal with them together and edit können. Unterschiedlicher Glaube war nie ein Hindernis für menschliche Solidarität. Um näher zu kommen, müssen wir nichts vom eigenen Glauben zu verlieren. Es reicht, wenn wir uns, trotz der vielen Unterschiede, gegenseitig respektieren und Hand in Hand auf menschlicher Basis alltägliche, menschliche Themen aufnehmen.
Wir stehen alle vor denselben Herausforderungen und Gefahren. Abbau von Werten, Jugendkriminalität, Arbeitslosigkeit, soziales Desinteresse, Fundamentalismus, Xenophobie und ähnliche Themen. Wir suchen den Dialog der Gläubigen und nicht nur der Religionen. Den Dialog kultivierter Menschen und nicht nur der Kulturen. Dabei sollte der Glaube eines Jeden von uns Anlass für intensive Annäherung and cooperation be serious. Let us try to honestly cooperate with the aim of the unit to serve in a world marked by division and conflict.
Kardeslerim, ben biraz yunanim ama türkce beliyorum:
Cumanız Miibarek olsun!
Allah kabul etsin''namazınızı ve dualarınızı
(your Friday is blessed! May God accept your prayers and your prayers.)
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