In a school shooting in Lörrach few days ago killed a lawyer, her former partner and the combined, five-year-old son. They also blew up the apartment in the air and then shot himself to a hospital. The results were in addition to four deaths and several serious injuries a significant irritation of German media. A woman as Amokläuferin?
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son and ex-husband the perpetrator |
The defense and displacement reactions of the German public were as predictable as a reflex. Unlike previous, school shootings committed by men in many places was not the brutality of the act and the suffering of the victims respectively of their loved ones in the foreground. Rather they gave the desperate effort to see the perpetrator but somehow a victim. The world headline such as "hurt and humiliated - that run amok women. Appropriately to the comment of a reader:
"And men run amok, because it does not hurt and humiliated, but quite simply are bad?"
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Isabella Heuser |
This leads us to a well-known, popular question: Is violence justified in male behavior and thinking? Violence is male? Is violence a "male principle"? In the U.S., blacks on average more violent than whites, immigrants are everywhere more violent than non-migrants and members of lower social classes are more often than people from middle and upper classes.
violence is human, not male
violence correlated significantly with the socio-economic status. Whether a particular population group occurs more or less violent in appearance, depending on their position in society. The same applies to suicide rates, accident rates as well as for the average life expectancy. Blacks, immigrants and the poor are on average not only more frequently violent, they also have a shorter life and often die by accident or their own hands. The same is also true for men.
The male suicide rate is four times higher than the female. While the suicide attempt rate is higher in women than in men, However, not every suicide attempt created the fact that he is really death. More often women than men attempt suicide arrange so that timely assistance is still possible. They are aimed to help and calling appellative to the environment. This is reflected in the fact that women choose more "gentle" methods to increase chances of survival. Whereas men expect in such a situation, obviously from their fellow human beings nothing. If they do, then do it right.
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suicide rate for men and women |
The relationship between Indicators such as violence, suicide rates, accident rates and life expectancy on the one hand and social status on the other hand is generally accepted in science, but not if it is the population in question to those of men. These are, whenever they go bad in any way as women, certainly to blame. The Political Correctness dictates this interpretation, because you would think the logical conclusion presented above, one would conclude that men over women in society are made worse. Evil to him who thinks such. It contradicts our world view and just will not fit into familiar feminist thought patterns.
It is easy for us to recognize that disadvantaged groups, their health care, living conditions and their jobs choose not entirely voluntary. If they are more in dangerous and unhealthy occupations work, are more likely than others to take their health more often ruin the lives or more prone to violence, so are social structures that they pile on there. In men, we will not be clear, they are pursuing the exploitation of themselves and allegedly volunteered for the sake of their masculinity. But who wants to volunteer to be in poor health and earlier bite the dust? Using the example of their fathers and fathers father would actually have won the men over time in cognition.
But indicators such as suicide, violence, accident rate and life expectancy indicate a structural disadvantage of men. Or can blacks, immigrants and arms just like men do not simply deal with their health? They also have a less socially adept than white, affluent, non-migrating women and they are also less than "to regulate emotions" in this position her? At least one would have to include this in the declarations of the Berlin psychiatrist. But why is it more likely for blacks when they in the U.S. and less If you live in Europe? And why it relates Although migrants, but not their fellow countrymen in their countries of origin?
As for violence, it may favor the male hormones in certain limits, certain patterns of action. Testosterone is certainly not the cause of violent behavior. Otherwise would have to male violence evenly through all walks of pulling it focuses but where they are concentrated: the sediment. And this is, as we shall see, in fact, male.
"A suicide is a frustrated murder"
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Erwin Ringel |
The psychiatrist and suicide researcher Erwin Ringel considered suicide as a foiled murder. Not unlike an act of violence to build in the person concerned before the suicide enormous aggressions. Their origin may well be caused by other human abuses and humiliations, but directed the suicide his aggression not against them but against himself may be loved ones who have hurt him, has become so much a part of his own person, that a suicide equivalent to a feeling its also killing the other. Or the suicide is carried out as a punitive act, one's own death is to take the other, parents, partner, friends or colleagues. Rampage and suicide are in this sense each other in a special relationship. Most of the gunman kills himself or he provoked caused his death. The rampage thus combines the suicide with the punishment of those by the offender feels humiliated.
gunman rarely match the stereotype of the psychopathic, testosterone-overdrive violence perpetrator. Many of them are surprisingly inconspicuous, are considered reserved and often they are bullying victims. But do not even look like the image of the archaic male, which reflected in many school shootings.
is a bullying situation, first laid down and have the hierarchies between Mobbenden bullied and strengthened, it is impossible for the victim in fact, free themselves from their own. The humiliation suffered by many there are often everyday, little bullying and teasing. In particular, they appear harmless and quite often only develop in their cumulative effect. That is why bullying victims do often difficult to name things and to share with others. A related meaning is then only from the perspective of the victim be identified. To outsiders, however, only results in an accumulation of small injuries that are seen individually considered tolerable and normal. Also the fact that the Mobbenden the consequences of their own behavior often can not assess, is helping that situation for the bullied is unsolvable. If he resists, he is subordinate to exaggeration and he is declared a nuisance.
is a bullying situation, first laid down and have the hierarchies between Mobbenden bullied and strengthened, it is impossible for the victim in fact, free themselves from their own. The humiliation suffered by many there are often everyday, little bullying and teasing. In particular, they appear harmless and quite often only develop in their cumulative effect. That is why bullying victims do often difficult to name things and to share with others. A related meaning is then only from the perspective of the victim be identified. To outsiders, however, only results in an accumulation of small injuries that are seen individually considered tolerable and normal. Also the fact that the Mobbenden the consequences of their own behavior often can not assess, is helping that situation for the bullied is unsolvable. If he resists, he is subordinate to exaggeration and he is declared a nuisance.
be another reason why, even in retrospect bullying biographies of gunmen are often not recognized as such, as has happened in the case of the rampage of Winnenden. Teachers and police the gunman did not apply as a bullying victim lassen, obgleich der Täter in Niederschriften ein anderes Selbstbild wiedergab. Die Diskrepanz zwischen der Innensicht des Täters und der Außensicht der Umwelt auf ihn lässt sich nicht allein auf eine verzerrte Wahrnehmung des Täters reduzieren. Die Wahrnehmung des (gefühlt) Gemobbten ist ernst zu nehmen.
Was treibt Männer zum Amoklauf ?
Wir haben gesehen, dass Amoklauf und Suizid sich in ihrer Natur äußerst ähnlich sind. Wollen wir wissen, warum Männer häufiger amok laufen als Frauen, so können wir uns genauso gut die Frage stellen, warum sie häufiger Selbstmord begehen. Männer bringen sich aus genau demselben Grund um wie Frauen - weil sie leiden und gedemütigt sind, und nicht weil sie aufgrund ihres Geschlechts eine gewisse Prädisposition erfüllen. Wenn Männer häufiger selbstmorden und amok laufen, bedeutet dies dann, dass sie gedemütigter sind? Sind Männer das leidende Geschlecht?
Was Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz anbelangt, kommen vereinzelte Studien zwar zu einem deutlich höheren Frauenanteil unter den Opfern, diese Erhebungen haben aber gemeinsam, dass die Grundgesamtheit bei der Befragung bereits überwiegend aus Frauen bestand. Das liegt daran, dass die Untersuchungen beispielsweise hauptsächlich im Sozial- oder Gesundheitswesen been carried out and where from the outset the proportion of women is particularly high. Most studies on bullying in the workplace experiences have usually a balance between male and female victims. In children, this is slightly different, this research tend to have a significantly higher proportion of young.
appears Moreover, the reintegration of boys bullied in the classroom is often more difficult than in girls. If a boy once excluded, the risk is great that he remains so. Bullying careers of boys are generally more intensive, lengthy and serious consequences. Also important to remember that bei den meisten Untersuchungen die Befragten selbst Auskunft über eigene Mobbingerfahrungen machen müssen. Da für Jungen und Männer die Opferrolle nicht attraktiv ist, dürfte bei ihnen auch ein gewisses Maß an Underreporting eine Rolle spielen. Womöglich berichten sie seltener von Mobbingerlebnissen oder stufen bestimmte Erlebnisse nicht als schlimm genug ein.
Ein Amoklauf ist wie ein Suizid das Werk eines Verzweifelten und in die Enge getriebenen. Ein Mensch kann aber von allem Möglichen in die Verzweiflung getrieben werden, nicht nur von anderen Menschen. Es bedarf dazu keines Mobbings. Arbeitslosigkeit, Armut, Einsamkeit, oder Krankheit tun es auch. Darum ist nicht jeder Amokläufer zwangsläufig a victim of bullying and suicides this applies only to a minority. However, bullying is destined to be "rewarded" with a killing spree to. As we saw earlier, suicide can also be directed at punishing the environment, related persons will suffer with the loss. In contrast to suicide is the massacre but to create a physical punishment of torturers.
men do not run amok because they are men,
but because they suffer.
But men suffer because they are men
What So to despair men and boys? Boys drop twice as likely as girls from the school. Men and boys are more than twice as often victims of violence. However, there are only girls houses for girls affected by violence but no boy houses. Men represent the majority of addicts and 90 percent of all homeless people. They are often affected by unemployment, the male youth unemployment is higher than the 60 percent female. Disabled girls get free assertiveness courses, non-disabled boys.
The German government gives an annual women's health report, but not men's health report out. Men suffer 94 percent of all accidents at work. Dangerous and unhealthy occupations are dominated by men. From equality pots lots consulting jobs will be created specifically for girls and women, boys and men deliberations are to be found, however difficult, unless is it is offender-and anti-violence counseling. Men are required to their father feelings to- and can falling Edison as a light bulb - Papa today, tomorrow the number of discarded ass with visiting rights.
The male head of the occupied society belies the fact that the sediment not only is male but is also much broader. The media window on the world shows us that part of life rather rare. Reports of top politicians and top managers to print more willingly sent, read and seen as such vegetating on the homeless. The man as the privileged gender is nothing but a myth, a product of our mangled by the media perception.
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Dorte Jödicke |
What would be regarded in other population groups as a clear evidence for their disadvantage, even men will be criticized. "Girls are just more flexible, have therefore studied in school and in the lead, "says Dorte Jödicke eg the project" New ways for guys. " In short, the male disaster in the school and the labor market is justified in the male laziness - of course. Their poorer health, it seems, men have thanks to their carelessness. Their higher rates of suicide of course they have their poorer social skills and their inability to thank to accept help - and I mean a non-proffered help. The suffering of the men weighs nothing, for her part existential needs of the dregs of society, the policy is not nearly as much value as the promotion of women in leadership positions.
If men then robbed the criminal justice system but, kill or run amok, one sees in them only the perpetrator, the man as a violent nature. After the school shootings in Erfurt and Winnenden was much talk about gun laws and computer games. The motives and history of the offender, the question of what she had so can be got into the background. But not the Amokläuferin in Lörrach, here it is the other way around. As soon as it is a perpetrator, is suddenly the previously unheard-of question of why.
After Winnenden Erfurt and nothing was done to improve the social climate in schools, to take pressure from the system or to create a better school psychological services. All this would eventually cost effort and money. A tougher gun laws is as simple and cheap, and above all incredibly superficial. Will this change when one day a girl held a similar massacre? If you are interested then finally to the human context of such actions?
urges casually to another question. Quite a few school shootings are acts of imitation. The perpetrators are inspired by other perpetrators and deal just before the outbreak closely with other school shootings. A gunman longs for something that is denied to him in his opinion: understanding and compassion. Our own death is portrayed as a major outlet, the other is to shake up and should make their own, never heard voice heard. If female gunmen exactly this understanding is not placed obviously that acts like a promise. Can we expect in the near future with female imitators?