"Die Zukunft ist weiblich", dröhnt es von der medialen Bühne. "Die Zeit" läutete in einem Leitartikel schon das "weibliche Zeitalter" ein. Fest steht, dass Mädchen mittlerweile die besseren Have degrees and are at the universities become the slight majority of students. Two thirds of all school dropouts are male and even secondary and special schools are populated mostly by boys. What really should be reason for concern - after all, here is a new social (male) sediment is cultivated - impelled politicians, media and of course feminists to ridicule and criticism. Schadenfroh the decline of masculinity is predicted. Women are very flexible, hardworking, communicative, socially competent and emotionally intelligent, consensus-based, empathic, peaceful, social, ambitious, reliable, easy to say zukunftsfähiger. Männer dagegen erscheinen nützlich und verwertbar, ansonsten gibt es offensichtlich wenig Gutes über sie zu sagen. Der Mann, so der gängige Glaube, hat ausgedient. Mit seinen archaischen Veranlagungen sei er für die Zukunft schlecht ausgestattet und damit ein Auslaufmodell.
Doch der Bildungsvorsprung der Frauen ist teuer erkauft und wird ihnen auf lange Sicht wenig nutzen, da er künstlicher Art ist und vor allem auf zwei Säulen aufbaut: Die Diskriminierung der Jungen und die Verbannung wettbewerbsorientierten Denkens aus den Klassenzimmern, as we shall see below.
boys receive less for the same competence and lower marks for the same notes one high school recommendation. This was not a discovery made by the PISA study, but has been known for at least three quarters of a century as one here can read on page 2 . The intelligence researcher Lewis Terman found in the 20 years that teachers underestimated the intelligence of girls over and the boys because the girls in the classroom and behaved adapted pleasing. The reason is banal and as old as man himself: prejudice. Do we feel comfortable as a person, we are more willing generosity to exercise. It must not be surprised that, according to PISA study also migrant children (especially boys immigrants) collect on average for the same competence lower grades. Recently showed the vertebrae to Sarrazin's book, "Germany does away with the" how strong prejudices against immigrants in the German population are present. I do not mean Sarrazin book itself, but the debate about it.
men hostility is hip
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Rene Kuhn | |
Das große Rätselraten um die Ursachen der geschlechtsspezifischen Benotung ist folglich Zeitverschwendung. Es handelt sich um einen ganz normalen Effekt menschlicher Wahrnehmung, der sich auch nicht beheben lässt. Das einzige, das diesen Effekt beeinflussen kann, sind die Vorurteile, die ihm zugrunde liegen. Ohne jeden Zweifel durchleben Jungen und junge Männer eine noch nie dagewesene Identitätskrise. Dies liegt aber nicht daran, dass die Omegajungs sich vor den Alphamädchen fürchten oder dem "weiblichen Zeitalter" nicht gewachsen sind. Das sogenannte "weibliche Zeitalter" ist ein Zeitalter der Männerverachtung. Derweil der leiseste Ansatz von Frauenfeindlichkeit harte Konsequenzen nach sich zieht, ist Männerfeindlichkeit schwer in Mode. Während der schweizerische Politiker René Kuhn das Feld räumen musste, weil er sich über die äußere Erscheinung mancher Schweizerinnen mokierte (er sprach von "zahlreichen linken und ungepflegten Frauen"), darf die FDP-Politikerin Cornelia Pieper hierzulande Männer öffentlich als "halbe Wesen" diffamieren und wird dafür von der Presse auch noch beklatscht.
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Cornelia Pieper |
Während Schüler im Unterricht Zeitungen nach frauenfeindlichen Inhalten durchforsten, veröffentlicht the German "quality press" so witty outpourings such as the Spiegel article, "A disease called man . It will be rants in smug tone about the inferiority of the Y chromosome. All male vices and problems such as crime, higher risks of accidents, addictions and even to the failure of boys in the school are only the Y-chromosome deficient accused. Here you should make clear which paradigms are hidden behind it. Link With obvious pleasure the authors of all possible negative human qualities and behaviors regardless of social and societal influences alone with a genetic trait. Furthermore, Men were therefore "lack character" and nothing more than "crippled women." There are a simple name: racism. Only that said genetic trait is not the color, but the sex. The article is incredibly stupid, and therefore actually harmless. However, it would be possible with mixed-gender not. If someone were to write such women or certain ethnic groups, would be an outcry by the public.
No Political Correctness for men
It seems that boys and men have the final population for which the order of Political Correctness does not apply. All the more passionate is trite to them. They are the only remaining outlet for the punishment and the public defamation of addiction. If Sarrazin mixed problems of integrating migrants biologistic theses, Roland Koch or a flat rate of "foreign criminals" shows to swing the election campaign, the law-and-order club, a proposal to the Political Corectness mercilessly, Scandal! If one makes the same with men or boys, are silent at best, aupplaudiert at worst. "A little men hate each woman is good," why is the title of a book that is probably one of the best sellers. However, the author is mistaken. The truth is only stupid men hate women good. No doubt there are women that look really great in it and usually they are in politics to be found in the literature or journalism industry. I myself know such women but fortunately only from a distance.
Suppose the difference in valuation of boys and girls has long been, perhaps always existed and let us also assume that it influenced by gender bias comes about. According to assumptions we have that one and the same phenomenon is not new, but now comes into play harder, because today's boys' and men's image is traversed more than ever, negative. In short, it is not here the consequence of direct discrimination by teachers, but the reflection of a general contempt for men in society as a whole. This also explains why teachers grade teachers as well as boys worse. Finally, even the men escape the constant bombardment of men-bashing, not even they suck it from earliest childhood on in and integrate it into their world and unconscious self-image. Only in this way also explains the constant Selbstgeiselung of the men seen in many of them mistakenly healthy self-criticism and a concession to the women. Your mom taught them to behave always to the delight of the female sex. This Dressur macht vielen Männern Selbsterkenntnis und Gegenwehr faktisch unmöglich.
Noten sind wertlos
Ein weiterer Grund, warum es die ungerechte Benotung von Jungen zwar schon lange gibt, sie aber heute schwerwiegendere Folgen hat, ist eine Veränderung des Wertemaßstabs im Bildungssystem. Das Gymnasium hat sich zur neuen Volksschule entwickelt, mittlerweile gehen etwa 30 Prozent aller Schüler auf das Gymnasium. Gegenüber den 60er Jahren entspricht das einer Verdoppelung. Diese Entwicklung ging auch mit einer Noteninflation einher, die Notenspiegel wurden kontinuierlich gesenkt. Betriebe bemängeln schon seit Langem die mangelnde Ausbildungsfähigkeit of school leavers. Behind this main problem is that many applicants have led to good grades, but they do not reflect their actual abilities.
true that today more than ever, students attend the school, while the other types of schools have this but lost its meaning. Was it even earlier, between high school, junior school or high school to decide, it turns today only the question of "high school or high school," thumbs up or thumbs down? Notes say very little about becoming obvious qualifications, rather they have become a pure selection criterion. Grades were never as important as today, as if they were but never so little worth. The lower rating of the boys already acts like an accelerant and out of them at a higher committee.
true that today more than ever, students attend the school, while the other types of schools have this but lost its meaning. Was it even earlier, between high school, junior school or high school to decide, it turns today only the question of "high school or high school," thumbs up or thumbs down? Notes say very little about becoming obvious qualifications, rather they have become a pure selection criterion. Grades were never as important as today, as if they were but never so little worth. The lower rating of the boys already acts like an accelerant and out of them at a higher committee.
girl - very weak in the school, at work
In addition, the promotion of girls in recent decades is not, interestingly, meant that girls were made stronger, such as in the sense that they are tougher and would have been competitive oriented. Nachwievor are young men in the same age as successful professional women, even though boys are disadvantaged in schools. Instead, a development has taken place, has led to an appreciation of the feminine connotations and consequent devaluation of masculine characteristics. The latter include, in particular competition and rivalry. These properties are now frowned upon almost be regarded as aggressive and destructive, at school, they are no longer in demand and are no longer supported. Accordingly, a common explanation for the male educational problems including those that the boys had stayed behind and emancipatory would cope with the new requirements in the education system is not easy. Some suggest that we should just make the boys ready for the new requirements. The most hardened somewhat bathe in Schadenfreude the fact that the stronger sex with his Rambo finally airs abschmiert. In fact, both are nonsense.
Journalist Mikhail Savvakis alias "The Maskulist" this is a simple but right question: Who benefits from such an education? Why do we need an educational system that students no longer provides competitive spirit. Competition and competition have little in common with first pecking order and cock fighting. It is to be the best service, best idea, the best solution will prevail. Thus, competition is the driving force for prosperity and progress, and fairness is of course a prerequisite. Cockfighting only arise when competition derailed, they are not the rule but the exception, and for the competition itself, they are more harmful. In contrast, the exposure to competition will lead sooner or later to corruption, who can not rise due to competition, do it just by other means. The systems durchfaulten socialist, planned economy countries have not made time and again.
not go the boys under - but the education system
It is therefore only logical that men are always in spite of lower educational career even more successful than women. Those who are in it the evidence of continued professional see discrimination against women share, academic achievement with career success mistakenly the same. But an education system that does not promote competitive thinking, but even punishes, is useless. In terms of content, the curricula in recent decades have barely adjusted to the new requirements of professional life. Boys are now also actively pulling back from the educational system, and they refuse to do so in a way, intuitively the right thing. They leave an education system that can teach them anything and their interests and needs little justice as well as the needs of industry and business.
If notes hardly anything about the actual suitability of a candidate aussagen, werden Unternehmen künftig dazu gezwungen sein, auf andere Kriterien zurückzugreifen. Wenn Schule nur noch Selbstzweck ist, nicht mehr auf den Beruf vorbereitet und das System zu träge ist, um reformiert zu werden, dann wird das Bildungssystem, wie wir es heute kennen, langfristig an Bedeutung verlieren. Wenn Noten wertlos sind, sind auch Zeugnisse und damit ganze Schulabschlüsse relativ. Ausschlaggebend werden dann Fähigkeiten sein, die man nicht in der Schule lernen kann.
Während Mädchen in der Schule "still sitzen und schön schreiben", flüchten Jungen in virtuelle Welten am Computer und erforschen damit spielerisch das mächtigste Medium des 21. Jahrhunderts. In Sachen Technik, Computer- and media literacy are boys the girls are light years ahead. Still so many girls computer courses in schools fortune from nothing to change. Men like Charles Darwin, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Wolfgang Joop, Steven Spielberg, Tolstoy or René Obermann have in common. They are drop-outs and have proved that success does not necessarily decide in school or university
If notes hardly anything about the actual suitability of a candidate aussagen, werden Unternehmen künftig dazu gezwungen sein, auf andere Kriterien zurückzugreifen. Wenn Schule nur noch Selbstzweck ist, nicht mehr auf den Beruf vorbereitet und das System zu träge ist, um reformiert zu werden, dann wird das Bildungssystem, wie wir es heute kennen, langfristig an Bedeutung verlieren. Wenn Noten wertlos sind, sind auch Zeugnisse und damit ganze Schulabschlüsse relativ. Ausschlaggebend werden dann Fähigkeiten sein, die man nicht in der Schule lernen kann.
Während Mädchen in der Schule "still sitzen und schön schreiben", flüchten Jungen in virtuelle Welten am Computer und erforschen damit spielerisch das mächtigste Medium des 21. Jahrhunderts. In Sachen Technik, Computer- and media literacy are boys the girls are light years ahead. Still so many girls computer courses in schools fortune from nothing to change. Men like Charles Darwin, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Wolfgang Joop, Steven Spielberg, Tolstoy or René Obermann have in common. They are drop-outs and have proved that success does not necessarily decide in school or university
that we evolve to a service economy, will be in demand in the major feminine qualities, is meanwhile no more than one naive rumor. The services builds on the productive sector. Without the manufacturing sector, there are no products and no consumer can be offered on the basis of services. The service sector is growing so only to the same extent and shrink, as the production area. The future is, however, in the areas of mobility and information technology, they promise the most growth right now. These areas are, how could it be otherwise, still only a man's world. Judging by the current development, which will continue in the future. Despite Girls' Day and special STEM scholarships largely stagnant number of women in these occupations.
women have better grades, are therefore no better
The feminization of entire courses of study such as business administration, medicine, dentistry, psychology depends, among other things, together with the uneven grading of boys and girls . Interestingly, many female-dominated courses of study are limited by numerus clausus. The lower grades of men shall be automatically for the exclusion, without this would go hand in hand with poor fitness. In Austria there are for prospective medical students with an entrance test, where although 54 percent of the specimens are female but only 43 percent the women there. It was assumed that the test is too much focus on scientific issues and therefore disadvantage women. The test discriminates against women but not women cut in this test even worse with the same high school grades, on average, even in science. Psychologists and educators noted that it was the gender rating, which would be exposed by this test plain and simple. The women had better grades, but not being more appropriate. Male-dominated courses of study are less frequent, NC-loaded, there are often not too many but too few applicants. Consequently, there is especially in these shortage areas. Since also prevails in the labor market, the principle of supply and demand, these professionals are worth more, so are better paid. Even so-called men's jobs are paid better.
Expect us a new division of labor?
As households since the mid-20th Century are largely automated, is today no housework more hard work. Similarly, the automation made the work accessible to women. Thus, the old roles and division of labor was obsolete. This seems to set a new division of labor: women in service, social services, health and administration. Men in science, Information technology, research and engineering. The development of the gender distribution in these occupations evidence of this. We observe neither the decline of the male sex nor a revolution in gender relations, but merely a redistribution of tasks.
By 18 Century girls were excluded from formal education. Instead of going to school, she stayed home with the mother, there to be prepared for their future role as housewives. The boys went to school to teach them that what they would need later as workers. Education was then earmarked and one went so sparingly. What children learned, then determined the division of labor. It was appropriate, a noble one private school and a middle school to teach the other. Likewise, it was appropriate for the strict gender roles, boys teach something other than the girls. visit that boys and girls, men and women the same educational facilities and the same study was in the past by no means obvious, and perhaps it should not remain, of course.
could Looking back over the past raised the question whether a new division of labor could mean in the future, that boys and girls again to take very different pathways. For the requirements in service, social services, health care and administration, the current education system is quite suitable for areas such as science, information technology and engineering, this is less and less the case. Here, something will have to change. It is therefore not the boys, who lag behind the educational system, the situation is rather the reverse.
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