Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is It Normal To Be Wet Before Period

Cygnets, almost adult

the juveniles, which I already in May , had told her shortly after hatching have become quite large, yet complete and all doing well.
was on a sunny September morning, I recently observed the whole family in the morning toilet , on the banks of Kiefweihers in Germersheim.

eyed dad swan me very skeptical, even the Mama in the background is carefully whether my approach. The boys however are not at all interfere with the preening.

on the above photo is still clearly the brown coloring of individual feathers, especially in the head area of \u200b\u200bthe young birds to see. Another feature of the youthful age is the missing black hump on the beak.

be the age of about four and a half months, it would have to soon as far as should the boys be able to fly. They are until next spring or late winter in the family living with their parents. Then they are driven by the father and must look for their own territory


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