the Druslach is one of two rivers that flow through my home Lingenfeld. The Druslach is powered by the fox river, which in turn branches off from the Queich, a river which rises in Hauenstein in Thetford Forest and Germersheim flows into the Rhine.
An ancient legend says that in 1428 a little old lady from Zeiskam the Elector Ludwig III of the Palatinate, a basket of carrots as a gift brought. In gratitude to the woman could ask a favor. The mother is said to have wanted for his residence Zeiskam a watering hole in the Queich out, as big as a fox hole.
The grace was granted, a stone was hewn into a hole the size of a fox hole used in the shore of Queich and a ditch from that date Zeiskam supplied with water. The creek was named after this legend, fox creek water or grace.
The fox creek again divided flow path after a few kilometers to 1 / 3 in the Hofgraben and 2 / 3 in the above Druslach that leads south of Lingen field over the Old Rhine and the Rhine.
are at the Druslach it since 2009 a Bacherlebnisweg of about 5.5 km in length. The trail starts below the railway bridge at the Druslachmündung. It can be reached by Lingenfelder station on the bike path "Rhine Route" at a distance of 1.9 km. At the railway bridge, turn right onto the footpath. It is marked with signs "Bacherlebnisweg. In such two hours can you walk through it.
The water of the Druslach served not only for irrigation but has also been used to great clothes.
on the southern outskirts of Lingen, there was a field to the beginning of the 20th Century used washing area, the so-called bleaching cloth. Three out of four originally existing washing benches in the restoration of the system were repaired.
The mighty sandstone blocks were brushed past the pre-treated with laundry soap, wrung, rubbed and beaten with stones or flat wooden bats. To rinse the soap from washing the women climbed over stone Stufen in den Bach. Auf der Wiese am Hang wurde anschließend die Wäsche zum Bleichen und Trocknen ausgelegt. Der bei Sonneneinstrahlung aus dem Grasbewuchs freigesetzte Sauerstoff in Zusammenwirken mit dem Wasser, welches immer wieder auf die Wäsche gegossen wurde, führte zum begehrten Blauschimmer der Weißwäsche.
Heute würde man dieses Tun "umweltschonende Sauerstoffbleiche" nennen.
Die Wartezeit bis zur ausreichenden Bleichung der Wäsche sollen sich die Waschfrauen früher mit allerlei Tratsch und Gewäsch vertrieben haben.
Also keinesfalls Schwatzhaftigkeit hat die Waschfrauen driven, but only the long-lasting concern about clean laundry.
the way, for the thirsty and hungry hikers, there are at Druslachweg also a refreshment stop, that the bird protection society in Lingenfeld.
the end of this post again once the confession on my part - I can on a beautiful flower or plant of interest do not just go by
What it is this this is, I can not say I exactly. If not sage then it seems to be with his lip flowers at least a relative of the sage
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